I feel bad...


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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Because I'm running out of patience with Emily! :-( she is crying at anything and everything and I really don't what's up!!!!

Im just feeling relaxed now because Robs just come home from work early to give me a break because I'm poorly.

I feel so guilty, I shouldn't get annoyed with her. It's not her fault, she is a baby, she's going to cry!!!

It must be a phase they al go through at this age. Oscar will not stop screeching when I put him down, or even loo like I'm going to. It's hard isn't it!
It must be a phase they al go through at this age. Oscar will not stop screeching when I put him down, or even loo like I'm going to. It's hard isn't it!

It's soooo hard!! Today though, I found myself getting really annoyed with her :-( It's not her fault!!!

You're probably only getting annoyed because you're poorly, and we all feel like that sometimes, especially wen we are tired or sick. I'm sure it's just a phase xxx
I get so annoyed sometimes. Ive found myself just crying with her at some points because Im so annoyed at her but like you say, theyre just babies so you cant reason with them or anything!

I deffinatly think its a phase. Abloomin annoying one. But a phase all the same. Paige just makes this annoying sound alllll the time and crys at silly things.
Paige just makes this annoying sound alllll the time and crys at silly things.

That sounds just like Emily! An
Annoying sound that's not even a cry, and she screws her face up at the same time!! URGH, I hope it doesn't last long!

Thanks girls x

Oh my word! I could have written this thread! It's not Seb's cry though it's THAT noise! I could scream and cry! It's not his fault but the noise he makes is so annoying! It goes on and on for no reason!
Charley's been like this lately too!! Cries for no reason but as soon as i pick him up he stops!!
I've had afew random car journeys this week just for some piece!!
I think it's probably frustration on their part, Cahal gets so frustrated sometimes that he just flaps his arms and cries instead. I have to run through a list of things he might want and generally get there pretty quickly, he's getting good at communicating what he wants.
Sorry you girls are going through the same thing but I'm so glad I'm not alone!! Just went and checked on Emily and she looks Soooooooo cute fast asleep! Let it all commence again tomorrow :-(

Chaz, I've been on some random car journeys too!!!!!!

Were in the same boat at the moment aswell.
Me an hubby have noticed that if i go out the room he screaches and sometimes he can do it to get our attention or sometimes he just does it out the blue an can hurt our ear and sometimes it gets to much for OH that he goes for a walk an its me left dealing with it lol.
It is very frustrating i know how you feel. I dont understand why he does it though wish someone wud give me the answer lol x
The thing is I go through everything he could possibly want (I know his hungry cry and his tired cry and his frustrated noises) and he wants NOTHING! He's not making his frustrated noises just noise! :(
All our babies are at different ages (well around the same age but with up to 2/3 months in between) so I wonder whos baby will stop first lol.

I watched Paige round the corner of the door once and she was sat happily playing but making 'the' noise to get me to come back. Sneaky little thing. I really do think its frustration. Its made me want to do baby signing even more!
Thanks Zazu, that's fab. Makes you feel better to know that it's normal. If that makes sense??

LOL at the pic of the little girl holding onto the mums legs though!!!

we all fet like this this, im not as bad with Ellie, yet lol. but with Mia i had severe post natal depression and I would get to so angry wih mia but I learned to just shut the door and walk out the room she was in and breath for 5 mins and then go back and deal with her, chin up lovely xx
Thanks Zazu, that's fab. Makes you feel better to know that it's normal. If that makes sense??

LOL at the pic of the little girl holding onto the mums legs though!!!

I know it doesn't help it stop but it's always good to know others go through it and it's just a phase. I'm sure I'll be posting something similar soon, as zac is a similar age too. X

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