I really can't cope!

Sorry to hear Noa is unsettled too Evelina! Must be something going around, eh?
Hope the little man settles soon x

do you think the distance youre feeling is to do with going back to work? I dont think its likely she'll be picking up on it so try not to beat yourself up. Might be worth having a serious look at your work situation if thats whats making you feel like this :hug:
We had an horrendous night last night as-well, projectile vomit (all over my bed) the lot!!! I was up every hour or so, total nightmare!!!xxxxxxxxxxx def something in the air!!!
Drake has days like this and it's so exhausting especially when you've been up since 6am with them! On bad days i count the minutes till his bed time..i feel awful sometimes! The last couple of days he's been hard work, barely taking his feeds, miserable with everything i do with him too.

I know its no comfort right now but it won't last, they seem to know when we're at breaking point and things start getting better!

Hope you've have a better night tonight hun xx

I'm so tired I feel sick. He's just not happy! Cry cry cry, feed feed feed. My nipples are on fire.

I too sometimes can't wait for OH to get home so I can be 'off duty' but this never happens. I pass baby to him when he gets home but he either goes straight in the bumbo in the garden whilst he potters about there, completely ignored or lies him down under his playgym whilst OH watches TV. I then race to make dinner/clean up/bring washing in etc. and every single time by the time I get it sorted Blake is crying for attention, OH gets his tea and mine goes cold as I have to take over again. It's starting to really get me down. OH is great with him in the mornings - paying him loads of attention but just not at night and it really makes me sad!

Sending loads of hugs to everyone x sounds like we need them x I was so tired yesterday OH took Seb while I got in sone sleep then I was on and off all night with Seb and the freaking cats! While OH snored through it! Tbf though he's brilliant at just taking over Seb when i'm shattered x
It certainly sounds like we are all going through it at the moment :-(. I'm feeling a tad better today but still very drained. Put Emily to bed as normal at 7 last night. Our normal baby wouldn't make a noise again until 7am but she is just so out of sorts :-(. She started screaming at 9, rob was out. Nothing was consoling her but she did eventually fall over and not wake again till 6am.

Ive realised though what isvteslly bothering her. She has a very bad blocked nose/cold. I knew her nose was blocked but had anticipated how bad it was. :-(

ahh bless her, at least you know whatit is now you can be a bit more armed with karvol etc...

Morgan threw up everywhere last night, I didnt get to bed til gone midnight cos I was soaking bedding. I miss the milky sick, at least that didnt stain everything, sweet potato sick on white bedding is no fun at all!!! BUT morgan stayed asleep til 8am after that so I got to get up at 7.30 and get myself showered and dressed before seeing to him which was sooo nice!!! :yay:

ROL maybe your OH would do better if you gave him a specific task, like bathing the baby or something? He might just not realise what needs doing with him :hug:

Big hugs mummies, youre all doing an amazing job :hug:
So glad you've figured out what was wrong :) we too have found out what the matter was-he was ready for weaning! Gave him breakfast this morning and some fruit for snack and he's been the happiest chap all day! Just off to get him a bowl now and then it's dinner time :D
Tiny - he's done his shoulder in so can't lean over to bath him.

Just had words anyway so we will see what happens. X
excuses excuses ;) Hope you get a bit more support this evening :hug:
Aw ROL I really hope you get better support tonight :( hugs x
i feel the same, zak is really good bt still would love some help from time to time. I cook, clean, do the washing and look after zak. Oh goes to work, doesnt get home til half 9 :( then has his tea put in front of him and then takes himself off for a bath while i give zak his last feed then zaks in bed and oh watches tv while I wash up ! even when hes on a day off im finding he is doing less and less for zak, makes me really sad. x
It sounds like teeth to me - babies feel it more in the night because there are no distractions so having the tv on probably distracts her! I can understand your frustration. I just bought some Anbesol for Matt's gums, he has teeth emerging - its a liquid anaesthetic which works like a dream, seems to be more effective that anything else I have tried. I bought it in Boots. Might be worth a try - couple it with some baby Nurofen :hug: xx
Thanks Helen, I will take a walk to boots tomorrow. I think it's partly her teeth and a cold. Her breathing is very very bad!! When she is having a bottle she gets to upset because she can't breathe! I just want my happy girl back, I miss her :-(. There seems to be no pleasing her at the moment, no matter what I do.

Anbesol is my life saver! A mum of 5 recommended it to me and it's amazing!!!! That and calprofen x
for a stuffy nose get some Calpol soothe spray, its saline and will clear her nose in a few seconds - its brilliant! I found that elevating Matt's head end of his cot really helped his congestion too. Good luck xxx
She was up from 12.30 till 3.00 last night :-(

Massive hugs x I take Seb into the bathroom, close the door and run the shower or bath when he's stuffy, it really really helps x

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