I really can't cope!

Ooh, never thought of that? I've put her down for a snooze with her head on a pillow. Think she is more comfortable. Is that ok at her age??

they say a year old but if shes comfortable i would do it at her age x
Liv has a safety pillow that has holes through it. It was like £6 on eBay and liv loves it x

:hug: you must be exhausted.

I always give morgan kiwi fruit (pureed) when hes poorly, its full of vitamin c. But then again hes been on 2 courses of antibiotics in the last month so maybe it doesnt work :lol:
Try a few drops of Olbas oil too. Just remember this will all pass and she'll be back to normal soon. Us mums do so much sometimes and it's so easy to feel down and even resent our babies but it's only for a little while and you'll be back on form soon. Make sure you get spoiled on mothers day!!

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