feel bad admitting this...


Dont feelbad hun it happens to all of us i think , somtimes you can only handle so much without getting a bit stressed out by it.
Today i was cooking dinner and kiara tried touching everything the knife, hot oven ect so after telling her no for about 20 times i yelled at her and out her lip came and she was about to cry i felt so bad i gave her a hug and said sorry . Perfectly normal hun :hug:
When kadyn gets me like that i usually put him down and walk away and count to 10 or 20 :lol:
jools221181 said:
mary70 said:
You want a medal that its taken you 8 months for her to get on your nerves hun :rotfl:

I was gonna say the same! :rotfl:

I know what you mean though! I feel so bad for getting ratty when he reaches up for a cuddle shouting Mamamamama!

its worse when hes reaching up saying Dadadada at you instead :lol:
oh bless you trixipaws. you are a wonderful mother! the thing you write about millie on here, theres no way you should feel guilty.

i sometimes feel like this. i think all mothers have and usually a lot earlier than 8 months! and we all feel guilty afterwards. dont dwell on it, she wont :hug:
trixi - you have the patience of a saint!

My DD woke up at 1.45am (hence me being on here at this time), fed, then went back in her cot - chatting away to herself. In my half asleep state, I TURNED OFF the monitor (the room is next door to ours, the monitor is more 'just in case we don't hear her' than anything) so I could try to go back to sleep, reasoning that if she needed me, I'd hear her! Feel so guilty and now can't get back to sleep!

Valentine Xxx

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