I feel awful but.....


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2010
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I'm sooo tired of breastfeeding now :cry:. I mean, it's not the feeding itself so much, just that all he will drink is boob. I've tried every beaker known to man, every bottle, every brand of milk, juice,water, you name it....... nothing at all, except my nippy noo!

He feeds all night for comfort (spent a fortune on dummies, not one will go near his mouth!), and now he has a tooth, my nips are so sore, it's like starting BF all over again!

He's 1 this month, surely he could get the hand of a beaker, I think he just doesn't want to. He looks me in the eye, grins from ear to ear then slings it as far as he can, laughing.
:hugs: what about if he's not getting boob n he's really hungry? I don't know what to advise :hugs:

Noa stoped bf slowly n at 7 month n a day or 2 he refused it. I didn't mind as I'm proud of me 7 month but I did feel a little rejected
I have no advice but I empathise completely. My boy is the same, he did in fact take a bottle the other night after OH literally did not give up and chased his mouth for ages while he wailed. BUT i also have an emotional attachment to it, so even though I want to stop I can't go through with it, I'm not sure how to overcome this!
Lol, I know what you mean.

I told the hubby, right, no bob for today, when he cries you can give him a bottle and I'll go out of his sight butof course that lasts all of 2 minutes before hubby gives up and says he won't take it. Aaaargh of course not, at least try again in a minute lol.
A lot of the time he sucks for comfort, he's not even hungry. I know I probably created the problem, just giving him exactly what he's wanted his whole life. Lol, the girls were never like this haha
My sis had same problem.. she left him with me for the afternoon. You need someone who is strong enough not to crack through the tear :( she started off giving expressed milk in a bottle to get him used to the teat and when he was used to it then mixed a tiny bit of formula in..each bottle she mixed a teensy bit more until it was pretty much all formula..now he lets prety much anyone give him a bottle and my sister is more than a tad relieved :)

But the key is hand him to someone who is strong enough to perservere and make sure you are completely out of sight :) will be tough to begin with but it doesnt take long hun. Hope this help sxxx
Oh poor you that sounds like a lot of hard work for you.
And here I am again with him stuck to my boob.
Hubbys contribution??? " he's had boob for a year now you can't take it away"! Great help!
Hubbys contribution??? " he's had boob for a year now you can't take it away"! Great help!

:eh: Huh!? Thats helpful...not! A :slap: is due to him methinks!

Sounds as if you have done everything possible to do this the easy way so now its the tough way. How about going somewhere for a few hours or the day with some friends sans mobile phone and leaving the LO with OH (he deserves it!)?

That way, you will be well away from the temptation to give in and as awful as it sounds, your LO will eventually give up looking for the boob and accept the bottle when he is starving/thirsty.
You've done so well Hun, i really hope he takes a bottle/cup for you soon like the other girls said i think your goin to have to leave him with someone else xx
Yep, agreed. It's the only way I guess. Hubby will be pleased lol x
And here I am again with him stuck to my boob.
Hubbys contribution??? " he's had boob for a year now you can't take it away"! Great help!

This is my evenings too, and I know I created a rod for my own back too. My OH wants me to stop too buuut at the same time generally it's only me that can get Oz to sleep by putting him on the boob so he's happy for me to BF him then lol
Men are so helpful aren't they?! You have done fab breastfeeding for 11 months! I agree with the others go out and leave him with someone strong enough not to call you and he will take a bottle eventually (hopefully). Good luck xx
Don't know if you've tried this already but ella-rose loves to copy me and its a great way to get her to do things! Could u get another cup/ bottle the same with a drink in for you and make a big thing about drinking from it and liking it. He might want to copy with his own or even drink from yours?
He does that for a bit, especially when I get the other kids to do it. He then just bats it away though. God he's an awkward little sod lol!
I have the same problem. I let Isla play with the bottle the other day and she bit it for a bit then put it in her mouth and downed 3oz! I filmed it as I was in shock. She's 7 months old and it's the most she's ever taken.

It always has to be on her terms. I've found letting her take control works well. The tommee tippee freeflow cups seem to be good as well as she gets a taste of what's in it.

I really do feel your pain though as I really hate breastfeeding, i feel like I get no help.

Emma xx


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