Complete dilemma! LONG post warning!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2010
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Elliot is 14 weeks old (will be 15 weeks on Monday)

I began breastfeeding him, but after 5 weeks he began wanting boob every 20 mins and i was exhausted and he was grumpy, so I started combination feeding for a few weeks, then dried up and he became a grump again, so I moved him to formula. He was much happier and then again after only 2 weeks he was hungry all the time, crying for a feed every hour. So on a visit to the baby clinic I asked advice from the health visitor who said she thought he was a hungry baby and to try hungry milk - i did this and he was so content (like a different child!) and sleeping through. After 4 weeks of good sleeps and being happy he bagn waking in the night again at around 4am, which was fine - happy to feed if hunger strikes! Mentioned this to health visitor who said that if he is waking up in the night after sleeping through it's an indication he is hungry and to try baby rice. I did this, persevered as he didn't like it and still doesn't so I tried C & G creamy porridge, which he loves (shouts for more when I'm scooping it onto the spoon! lol) BUT he's still not sleeping through. Infact he is now waking at 2.30am and 4.00am then is wide awake ready for play time at 6am!

I have a good routine with him and have for many weeks. Bath at 7pm, bottle then bed (he's usually spark out and in his cot between 8.30-9pm)

Now the last week I have noticed he is dribbling, constantly chewing on his fingers and his gums are a little yellowy at the bottom back of his gums -TEETH! (so i thought)

So I booked him in at the Dr's, to be told that he is too young to be teething yet, and if he was it would be the bottom front teeth that would start appearing not his molars at the back.

So, why is my baby waking at 2.30, 4am and 6am when he is having enough milk in the day, plus porridge? He is offered a 4oz bottle in the night (both times) and only has 2oz - very rarely takes the full bottle because he just falls asleep! I thought he was just wanting to comfort, so I gave him his soother (detest the word dummy) but he spits it out and cries, like he does want food.

I'm at a loss! Why would he sleep through, then stop and be hungry during the night? He's been in his cot since he was 8 weeks as he outgrew his moses basket. During the day he naps 3 times for 40 mins each time max. Is this too much?

He is a very happy baby and I don't think for 1 minute he has colic or anything!

Arrrgghhh!!! I don't know what to do! Do I just accept that my little man needs little feeds during the night and may not ever sleep through? :wall2:
Sounds like a growth spurt but they normally only last afew days. Either that or sleep regression which normally happens around 4 months x.
He's been like this for about 3 weeks now! Not sure what sleep regression is? I'll google it!
I know this is going to sound a bit....well pointless as you've already done things that you have....but all those times he was hungry and wanting to be fed every hour or so, he was probably going through a growth spurt and just needed extra feeds instead of hungry baby milk (sorry if that sounds rude, its not meant to I swear!). Maybe it's just another one of those times? Several times up my LO has woken up for a feed or just a cuddle at random hours during a growth spurt, and as he's so young, it really sounds like one. Just keep going with it. Its bloomin tiring but you get through it and eventually he'll sleep happily through the night. For a long time even being bottle fed my LO wouldnt go more than 2 hours without a feed and only started sleeping through at around 6 months. Just keep going :hug:
Thanks hun - you're not being rude at all, I certainly didn't see it that way, I welcome all advice, any advice!!! lol

I think you are right - it has passed through my mind that these hungry times were growth spurts and I should have stuck to the normal milk. I guess being a new Mum and wanting to do things right for my baby I asked advice from HV and went with it. I've learnt that HV aren't always the best people as they don't really know your baby! At first after having him I was quite tense and felt I needed reassurance that I was doing it correctly!

Now though, I feel I know Elliot really well and I have just been kind of like "what is going on" lol

Perhaps it is sleep regression. I've read a few websites and it does sound familiar. It says it lasts 2-4 weeks, well we're at the end of the 3rd week! haha! I'm not saying it as a selfish thing, i'm ok with getting up in the night, ok yeah I'm tired, but i'd be loosing sleep anyway if I thought Elliot was hungry and not satisfied/happy. So to get up and feed/settle him again is no problem, I just am feeling concerned that there is something wrong. And with tackling a routine, his hunger (introducing hungry milk and porridge) visiting Docs about teeth, I kind of felt at a loss.

It's just so odd that him waking up is like bloody clockwork! 2.30am, 4.10am and 6.05! lol Saying this last night (for the first time yet through this "waking up stage") he woke at 2.45am, then 5.50am back to sleep for an hour and was wide eyed at 6.50!

He is just beautiful in the morning though when he is wide awake - so smiley and shouty babbling! Certainly gets Daddy out of bed for work mon-fri! lol
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I don't know if this is an option for you, but have you thought about just popping him in the bed next to you when he wakes up the second time? I did this when Lo would have nights where she would wake up endlessly (many many a night lol) and would put her in my bed and she slept so soundly, but it was only me in the bed so she had half a bed to herself, lucky thing. I know most people can't do this down to space etc, but always worth a try.

We never went through a sleep regression but Id say about 3/4 times during the 6 months she'd go through stages of waking up like clockwork (she still does now but luckily its after 11 hours sleep). In the end I decided it was more habitual waking than hunger, and when she started to stir Id leave it an extra 5 minutes each time before seeing to her and eventually she stopped waking at exact times.

I put my LO on hungry baby milk at around 3/4 weeks as she was feeding like a crazy baby but in the end switched back to normal milk and I didnt feel like it changed at all, so if you wanted to put him back on normal milk, I don't think he'd notice :)
We have at times put him in bed with us yeah, but not lately as we were concerned he'd get used to it, rather than his cot. It's so hard to know what to do for the best.
It kinda sounds like he's waking through habit too but if you've tried settling him maybe he is hungry although 2oz's isn't alot to have if hungry x.
My LO will only sleep in her cot now, but shes spent many a night in my bed, so I wouldnt worry about him getting to used to it. Its just extra comfort to them at this stage, if it gives you a bit of extra sleep every now and again then its worth it :D
It kinda sounds like he's waking through habit too but if you've tried settling him maybe he is hungry although 2oz's isn't alot to have if hungry x.

I know, but he is a funny baby - he feeds little and often, even throughout the day. I always try to offer him 5 oz. He can really cry though hunger at times, but only ever takes 4oz (max) at a time. I've tried nappy change in between then giving more milk, he just ends up sicking it back up again.

A friend of mine, her little girl (not that i'm comparing, all bubs are different) she drains 6oz bottles and goes 4 hours before her next feed (during the day) and she sleeps through from around 10pm to 7/8am. Elliot will have 3-4 oz at a time and want another feed after 2/2.5 hours. I did mention this to the Dr and she didn't seem concerned, she said he may be one of those babies that likes to feed little and often. Which is fine. I was worried he wasn't having enough milk, she asked me to keep a diary of his feeds and he is having enough. According to the Dr for his age he should be having between 100ml and 150ml within 24 hours and he is having 120ml. But his pattern is just the way it is, little and often.

I do wonder whether if he had bigger bottles he would sleep through, but i've tried for a while to give him a 6oz before bed and after 4oz he's falling asleep, so I try a nappy change or light blow on his face, but he just ends up bringing up the rest, so it's not worth forcing it.

Elliot is just Elliot! lol
It could be teething, doctors are arses tbh, they have no room for movement. Oz started teething at 8 weeks, was born with such white top gums we thought he did have all this top 4 front teeth til we lifted the lips properly. The teeth are there, they just will not cut through. Altho these last few days have been mega hard with him finger biting, drooling to excess, ear pulling and irritable so fingers crossed a tooth is about to break that skin! AND it will be a top tooth not bottom front. Not 1 health professional believes me til they look for themselves.
It could be teething, doctors are arses tbh, they have no room for movement. Oz started teething at 8 weeks, was born with such white top gums we thought he did have all this top 4 front teeth til we lifted the lips properly. The teeth are there, they just will not cut through. Altho these last few days have been mega hard with him finger biting, drooling to excess, ear pulling and irritable so fingers crossed a tooth is about to break that skin! AND it will be a top tooth not bottom front. Not 1 health professional believes me til they look for themselves.

Oh I am utterly convinced he is teething. He is absolutely obsessed with chewing his fingers and if you try taking them out he is so cranky, grabbing at mine or hubby's finger to chew on that. I did buy him a teether, which he goes mad on chomping away, but with him being so young he can not hold it himself, I try to grip his fingers around it but it's too heavy and he lets go! So it has to be held in his mouth for him, which I can't do all day long! lol He drools badly too. The anbasol seems to help temporarily, one day I gave in and gave him calpol as he did seem in real pain (its odd that some days are much worse than others) This seemed to settle him.

I have read though that when babies are teething it is more painful when the teeth are positioning in the gums, more so than when the tooth actually cuts through. Poor little mites!
oh these look fab thanks so much - i'll nip and get some of those from boots - he loves his soother, it helps him relax before sleeps. Ooooh i could kiss you, these look brilliant!
Ummm has the dr not heard of the babes that are born with teeth! It could be teething, but tbh the teeth should sprout from the front first. Perhaps they are moving around getting ready for teething soon?

Evie wakes around 4am and won't go back down in her cot and will only go back to sleep (after a bottle) in bed with us. We allow this as she is in her cot from 8pm-4 am which isn't bad (night feed at 11-12 usually).

Does sound like a bit if a growth spurt. Hve you maybe thought of introducing another portion of porridge in the day? Or maybe trying something else. Maybe wait a week and see if he still wakes, if so try the extra food thing.x
oh these look fab thanks so much - i'll nip and get some of those from boots - he loves his soother, it helps him relax before sleeps. Ooooh i could kiss you, these look brilliant!


No worries x
Hi Emma,
No real advice, But your not the only one with the little and often feeding regime... ben has never drunk more than 3 half ounces in one hit xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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