I fainted!!!

glad you're ok. i fainted on the train to work about 4 weeks ago. it was in the morning. i was standing all the way and felt starving hungry and like i was going to be sick. i remember panicing thinking where can i be sick (the train was packed!) then my ears started ringing and i came over all funny and fainted! i have been fine since. think it was just low blook sugar levels. x
I think it can be fairly common unfortunatly!

I fainted twice in my first tri, both were in the shower, and I could feel it coming on, so managed to get out and hit the deck!

My MW said it is common, and I think mine is linked to low blood sugar. If I dont eat by half 9, then I get shakey, dizzy, sick and faint, and just NEED to eat!
It was probably a combination of things that caused it, and as long as you know what they are - mine are early morning hot showers, on an empty stomach!

Cheers Lea, mine seems to be standing still for too long so i've been making sure I keep moving if i'm waiting for dinner to cook etc. Sooo don't want it to happen again!


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