Ceserean Scar


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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i had my ceserean on 16 days ago and its been fine untill about 4 days ago. its gone quite red in the middle part and is hard. the midwife looked at it on monday and said its fine and healing well, i told her i had a lot of pain but she said it was nothing. then today the health visitor came and said i might have a little infection and to keep an eye on it, if it gets worse to go to the docs.

its causing me quite a lot of pain, i no its probably normal but it didnt start hurting till a few days ago and paracetamol dont help. they dont seem to do anything.

i fainted on saturday aswell, am on iron tablets and i hadnt taken one all day, i completley forgot and i fainted. im now taking them regular but im still getting quite faint alot. i did tell the midwife but she wasnt too bothered, she didnt seem worried. it worries me quite a lot though and i thought it was a big deal??

am i just worrying for nothing??

hayley xx
I would go to the doctors and get it checked out! Its not worth the risk of you getting poorly. You need to be fit and well!

i got a couple of infections and needed tablests for them go see your gp
Hiya, jamie will be one next month and my scar is still red and hard in the middle. it is fading gradually but it is defiently taking its time and stil very visible!

If your in a lot of pain and the area is inflammed or oozing i would definitely go see your GP, always worth checking out incase you do have a slight infection!

Hope it heals soon, let us know how it goes! :)

Steph xxx
I dont remember mines hurting to that extent, it will probably just be a wee infection and a trip to your docs will sort it out. :D
Hope you are feeling okay
oh hayley i wondered where u had been.... obviously not been on cos you r feeling poorly.

hope u feel better soon! hows owen doing? xxxxx
Did you lose a lot of blood with the c section? I lost quite a bit of blood after the c section (should have had a transfusion really, stupid hospital) and I felt awful to be honest. I looked like the walking dead for about 4 weeks. It's probably best to go to your gp and get a blood count done if you're feeling faint, they may up your iron. I'd also just ask about your scar while you're there. It does get better I promise :D
thanks everyone :D im hopefully going to the docs on monday, the midwife is going to get me in first thing, its really hard to get appointments at the last minute! i think it might be a little infection, does feel a bit better now though.

i do feel quite run down and tired, i try to sleep when Owen does but its not easy. i have a lot on my mind and its really hard to sleep, even at night :( im sure it will get better though :D

Owen is fine thanks Keely :D hes doing really good... love him to bits :D really cant remember what my life was like without him!! how is Ellis doing??

hayley_17 said:
i had my ceserean on 16 days ago and its been fine untill about 4 days ago. its gone quite red in the middle part and is hard. the midwife looked at it on monday and said its fine and healing well, i told her i had a lot of pain but she said it was nothing. then today the health visitor came and said i might have a little infection and to keep an eye on it, if it gets worse to go to the docs.


Same here darl. I went to docs on Wed to ask about it (I've been on iron tablets too).....she seemed non-plused about the whole thing but gave me some anti-biotics cause it was a bit inflamed in the middle. I think coz of the heat too. I had pain as well but just take some ibruprofen......

They aren't the prettiest looking things these scars either hey!?

haha no sass they arent the prettiest things!! mine is very neat though... once ive healed properly i think it will fade alot!! i did have little scratches around it, which have turned into scabs now... they are the worst things, so ugly lol the midwife said they are just where they caught me when they were cutting and things... they are awful though!!

the pain has really died down a lot now. think i am finally healing!! haha might still go to the docs on monday just to get it checked out. they will probs say its fine though!! im at the midwife on wednesday to get my bloods take to see how my iron levels are, if they arent any better they will up my dosage... hate taking tablets!!

strangeness, no one ever told me that i lost much blood after the section, in fact they didnt tell me anything about it!! the midwife said that was good because it means nothing went wrong!! i did bleed quite heavy for a while after though, just slowed down now and ive stopped bleeding now!

it is getting better though which is great :D and owen is still being a little darling :D xx
Hayley they never told me how much blood I lost either until I got home. My midwife looked at me because I looked like a zombie and said I wonder how much blood you lost to which she told me it was over 2 pints and that I was entitled to feel like the biggest bag of crap in the world lol. My other midwife reckoned I had lost more and should have had a transfusion but they didn't even bother to get me iron until I was sent home (3 days after the c section). I kept getting dizzy and nearly passing out all the time, I felt like the walking dead for ages! If still seeing the midwife she should be able to see how much blood you lost on your notes. Hope everything goes ok at the doc's hun and you feel better soon! :hug:

Sorry yoru going through this i had a rough time as well,
Mine is still red and hard, and even hurts from time to time,and it feels numb to touch i hate it. :twisted: :moon: the joys of having babies
Hope you feel better soon ide get that checked cuz what if you fainted while at home alone with Owen

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