I don't feel pregnant


Aug 14, 2018
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I'm 5w 3d and I just don't feel pregnant :( I haven't got any nausea, my boobs aren't sore and I feel fine. The only things I've noticed is that I'm peeing a lot more and I'm having some 'bowel' problems. I'm a bit hungrier than usual but not much! Has anyone had just these symptoms in the fifth week?

I usually wouldn't be scared but I'm a bit unlucky :( I have birth to a healthy baby boy in 2015, but then last August I conceived again and starting having pink and brown spotting, and I didn't have many symptoms then either. After an ultrasound scan couldn't find a pregnancy, I kept having to have blood tests which showed slow rising hCG. They eventually found the pregancy on my left ovary and I had to be treated with Methotrexate. 4-5 months later I conceived again, and again had light spotting and barely any symptoms. I had another ultrasound and they couldn't see the pregnancy again, but then I miscarried shortly after. The next month we conceived *again* and this time my symptoms were strong (not sure what week I had them but I'm sure it was in the 5th week at some point), including feeling sick and my boobs getting sore. This pregnancy was in my uterus but the baby stopped growing at 6 weeks :(

Now I'm pregnant again and although I have no spotting at all, the fact I haven't got many symptoms yet is terrifying me! Because of my previous ectopic I can have a scan at 6w to check the pregnancy, which I'm half excited for and half dreading because in my mind, it's likely to be bad news again :(
Hiya, I’m so sorry for your losses and can totally understand your concern.
It’s still quite early for symptoms, and it’s good that you have a scan in a few days.
Fx for you that this is the one that is going to work out. X
I am so sorry of your losses Chris :(
FX everything goes okay for you, maybe you should ask for an early scan to keep your mind at ease x
It's common to feel fine at 5 weeks so try to relax! Unfortunately when it's this early there's no way to tell if it will work out or not. Some people have strong symptoms and miscarry, some people have nothing and baby is fine. Hopefully all works out for you this time x
Hi Chris sorry you’ve had such a tough time, I have seen quite a few people on this forum at 5 weeks and beyond that saying they don’t feel pregnant, some women just seem to tolerate hcg more then others, good luck for your scan x
I had this exact same thought on Sunday when I was 5+3... I couldn't stop crying because I just didn't 'feel' pregnant! Today at 5+5 my boobs have just grew over night!! I'm also starting to feel tired, like a need a nap on my desk at work in the afternoon. I think we just need to remember that every one is different and every pregnancy is different. Good luck and keep us updated!
I'm 5 weeks 4 days and all I've had so far is cramping and a bit of tiredness. Also had a couple of pains in my boobs but nothing major there

Been worrying but telling myself it's really early still
Thank u all :) I'm having a scan on Monday when I'll be 6w 2d but it's just the wait until then :( yesterday morning I felt a bit nauseous and light headed, and my boobs are a bit bigger (I think?) but nothing else :( I keep worrying I'm going to start spotting, but nothing yet thank god!
I am having a scan on Tuesday and I'll be 6+5... I'm so excited but so nervous at the same time!!
All the best for your scan Rainingflowers :) still not got as many symptoms as I'd 'like'! Haven't felt sick much, but I'm still peeing loads more than usual so I'm hoping that's a sign things are ok? Just terrified my hormones are too low :(
I think sometimes they do stay quite low in some people until a certain point then they just shoot up! Let me know what happens with your scan on Monday!
I think sometimes they do stay quite low in some people until a certain point then they just shoot up! Let me know what happens with your scan on Monday!

Will do :) it's in 3 hours and I've never been so nervous in my life :( I still don't feel sick and don't have sore boobs and I'm preparing myself for the worst. I've been having other symptoms but I feel like it should be much stronger :( I'm just hoping the chances of two MMC's in a row are low!
Very sorry for your losses <3

Think of the women who don't even notice they're pregnant until 8-9 weeks! Not all women get early symptoms x
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Just got back and my little bean has a heartbeat!! Measuring 3mm, and the sonographer is very happy and says it's looking good :) such a relief!
Ah that is fabulous news, so pleased
For you &#129303;
Just got back and my little bean has a heartbeat!! Measuring 3mm, and the sonographer is very happy and says it's looking good :) such a relief!

awwww amazing news <3

Makes me feel a bit better about my lack of symptoms as well <3
Just got back and my little bean has a heartbeat!! Measuring 3mm, and the sonographer is very happy and says it's looking good :) such a relief!

Sooo happy for you!!! Mine is tomorrow and I've been feeling so shit today!!! Just convinced they aren't going to be able to find a heart beat... But that has made me feel a lot more positive!!! Will let u know what happens with mine 2moro night! Xx
When do they roughly pick up a heartbeat? generally how early?

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