Don't feel pregnant


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2011
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Well ladies I'm having an absolute panic. Last week my boobs felt really big & full, they hurt abit but nipples were really sore.

Now boobs still feel bigger but not fuller, boo s slightly hurt at the side & nipples only slightly hurt. I have no nausea, only tiredness.

I am really worrying something is wrong, shud my symptoms not be getting stronger? I want to feel sick so I feel pg.

Any advice much appreciated.

I never got any symptoms other than tiredness at some point and more pee at night by not always....
You can have all the symptoms in the world and still sth go wrong, you can have none and a healthy bean.

Don't worry about that really, symptoms are far away from being reliable to tell a healthy pregnancy from one that will lead on mc or sth.

I drove myself crazy for my non existent symptoms....
Thanks hope that helps, I am peeing more on a night.

I had a mc last year & I am just so nervous. Up until now I've not been too bad but for some reason I've woken up feeling so panicky!

Amber8 I am exactly the same!

Did my 8th positive pregnancy test 2 days ago just to keep checking

I can't even feel happy because i just don't feel pregnant.

I'm glad not to be ill but at least if your sick, then u know it x
I know I was really happy all last week, now I don't feel happy I feel scared. I wud rather feel sick so I felt pg, as it shows high hormones apparantly.

Last year I had a hell lot of symptoms. End in a mc and a blighted ovum...
Kanga was vomiting for weeks and weeks ended in a mc...
I can go on and on...

there is nth that can really reassure you that everything will go ok :( and obviously the lack of symptoms means absolutely nth...
It's all genetics really, of it's meant to be and it's a healthy beam then the pregnancy will progress with or without symptoms :(

Trimester 1 is a hard life... And let me tell you it Dosent get easier at trimester 2.

The girls that had one mc already they probably know what I mean...

I will never relax, not until the bean is here safe and sound...
Apart from a bit of a bump I still don't have any symptoms :shock: :shock:

Try not to worry hun, maybe you are one fo the lucky ones...

I'm the same, due tomorrow and still no symptoms! Hopefully you are just a lucky one and I'm sure everything will be fine xx
Thanks ladies, you've all made me feel alot better. I really need to relax & try & believe this is a sticky bean. I just can't understand why I've gone from so happy to so scared, maybe hormones?

I just want to get to my 12 wk scan, although I'll be a nervous wreck by then I think.

Probably is hormones, my hormones drove me crazy! But seem to have settled down lately..

I didn't have any symptoms at all until I was about 8 weeks pregnant.. Even then, I hardly had any symptoms - just sore boobs, tired and peeing more frequently.. I never suffered with morning sickness at all! So lucky! Lets hope you're one of the lucky ones too :D


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