I caved in and tested.....

Exactly!! :-) Ha hopefully we will all be walking with a spring in our steps next month with sheer satisfaction! lol xx
Just since 3rd week in Jan....so on the grand scheme of things not very long....but feels like forever now lol! Just want it to happen as I know we all do...I really didnt think it was going to be this difficult tho! lol xx
Neither did I! Booked an appointment with my dr later this week...just want to check that there isn't anything wrong. The OH wants to get checked too.

LOL no patience!! :)

How long have you and oh been trying? I know Im very impatient lol but my GO is great and knows the situation with my health etc so Ive no doubt should things not happen in time she will be as supportive as ever....fingers crossed it wont come to the point where I need to be referred tho....xx
Hi hun, i replied to this post a long time ago and it looked positive, sorry to hear the witch turned up... the recent PG tests looked positive to me as well... my BFP was nowhere near as strong as that!!! BUT i must tell you a couple of things for future knowledge:-

With regards to the EC - these are known to sometimes give false positives, IF they bring up a pink line and the line remains there the next day and is the same or darker then things are looking good... gradually it will get darker by the days... I have had a couple of false BFP's with them and its hard to tell really as the BFP looks so real.

With OPK's - I have done many an experiment with these and I have been using EC OPK's for 3 years now. They will bring up a line MOST times if you test anytime in the cycle... this is why it states the line must be at least nearly as dark or as dark as the control line. I did a test with some and knew I had ovulated on CD13... i tested with the OPK on CD 27 and it brought up a faint line and then i tested on CD1 and it brought up a faint line (faint enough to read from 3ft away!) Although they will detect pregnancy (i tried when i got my BFP and the line was REALLY dark) they are not designed to be used as a HPT for the reason that they will bring up a faint line anytime during the month, which will then be a false BFP. When they dry out you can see it better....

I wish I had followed this thread and could have told you this beforehand perhaps to save you some anxiety but just thought I would tell you so you don't reply on these as OPK's next time. I still think the HPT you posted on here was positive without any doubt and that confuses me. It could have possibly been a chemical pregnancy?

Whatever, I wish you all the very best of luck for next month (steer clear of testing PG with the OPK's they are not reliable) and look forward to hearing of your BFP soon hun. Good luck :dance:
Hey sammy thanks for getting back to me again..... I see!!! I wont be relying on that in future then lol!

Yeah tbh Im pretty confused as to why I got a BFN after getting what I and certainly a lot of ladies on here thought was also a very clear positive so yeah a chemical pg may have been the case....I dont suppose I will ever be able to tell ...... But yes onwards and upwards and back to the BD'ing once AF sods off.....

Hope your keeping well.....xxx
Hey sammy thanks for getting back to me again..... I see!!! I wont be relying on that in future then lol!

Yeah tbh Im pretty confused as to why I got a BFN after getting what I and certainly a lot of ladies on here thought was also a very clear positive so yeah a chemical pg may have been the case....I dont suppose I will ever be able to tell ...... But yes onwards and upwards and back to the BD'ing once AF sods off.....

Hope your keeping well.....xxx

When i saw the last opk and hpt you posted on here it certainly looked positive to me... even the false EC i had didnt look that clear and the line lookef pink as well. I just dont understand... it was clear as well... not one of these pictures where you cannot see anything!!! I would have definately said that was positive (and the one before that you posted)

Im fine hun, just waiting for our apt on 29th March to start another plan with the IVF... we want to do a FET (frozen egg transfer) with thr frosties we have on ice. The wait seems like forever though... been waiting for weeks now and getting really impatient. Good luck to both of us for next cycle :dance:

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