I can't take it anymore


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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I am soo tired. and the headache is KILLING ME! I've been having them for almost 2 weeks now ! the only time i feel ok is when I am asleep other than that I am suffering and blurry!! I don't know what to do I am really feeling bad. :(
Sorry you're suffering. You are allowed paracetomol so maybe that would help the headache a bit. The tiredness will get better, just remember it will get better soon :hug:
Thanx meandthbump. I really hope it gets better soon! coz I am starting to get morning depression! I know it sounds strange but every morning i feel bad that it's morning! coz of my headache!
If your headaches are really bad and persist then I think you should speak to your doctor. I had persistent, debilitating headaches last year (before I was pregnant) and it turned out I had a fever and virus and I hadn't realised.
Hun I had exactly the same thing in tri 1. Dunno if maybe we have even more hormones whizzing round than everyone else cos our bodies hadnt settled back to normal after baby number 1??

Good news is i have felt great since about week 2 of tri 2 and now have more energy than i know what to do with so i will keep everything crossed that the same happens for you
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanx all,
Jen and her Men - funny coz at the beginning i thought maybe I won't get symptoms this time as my body is used to being pregnant! but it seems like the opposite now . I really really really don't think i can get pregnant again for at least 5 years! it's not a joke what i am feeling. i hope i feel better with more energy in tri 2!
aww hun its horrible i do sympathise especailly with another lil one to look after i have got chronic nausea all day and end up crying at random things, bitter sweet so glad to be pregnant but finding it hard to cope :hug: :hug:

hope you feel better soon hun :hug:
Hi Hun,

I know exactly how you are feeling. My EDD is 2 days after you so we are in exactly the same boat. I keep getting headaaches in the afternoon. Had to cancel a driving lesson last week it was so bad. Then I find that the headache makes me feel sick too. So I'm either being sick with morning sickness randomly throughout the day, feeling sick because my sense of smell is mental at the moment, or feeling sick and in pain with a headache. It's horrible!

I keep telling myself that it can't stay like this forever so fingers crossed we'll start feeling better soon!

I find that as soon as I sit down to rest I'm asleep anyway so perhaps I'll just hibernate for the next couple of months!! lol.

x x x
Hi HUn,

I was the same as you last time round, it turned out I needed glasses! Apparently your eyes can change during pregnancy so it may be worth going to the optitions? They went back to normal after I had him tho and luckily hasnt returned this time round - tho I did spent £300 on dior glasses that i wore for 6 months!
Kiki - really strange coz just yesterday I was thinking to myself! maybe I need glasses! and I did thought maybe pregnancy changed something! LOL exactly as u said! although I am very lazy getting out of the house but I guess I would need to go and get my eyes checked. Thanxx :hug:

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