paracetamol ?


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2010
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keep having bad headaches (I never used to have them before) but having read I should avoid taking any pills I've been suffering in silence (well almost :)) .Now I've had toothache (wisdom tooth) for a few days and it's killing me ! My friend seem to think it's ok to take paracetamol,I'm 13 weeks,is it ok ?:roll:
you can take paracetomol hunny my wisdom tooth is causing me hell at the minute and i have taken some but mines more abcess and gum soreness so its not really helping it :(
This is one of the very few things I learned at my first doctors appointment. She basically just took my blood pressure, checked that I'm not a smoker and said I shouldn't take any over-the-couter medications with the exception of paracetamol - paracetamol's okay! I never take pain killers anyway but at least I know I can if I need to.
Yeah paracetamols fine...for headaches try a 4head stick,I used to get bad migraines in 1st tri and although they didn't take it 100% off it definitely helped xx
thank you ladies for your answers,much appreciated !:)
Gosh, I'm only 6 weeks and have had to take loads of paracetamol so far. But it's had no effect what so ever. When i'd been awake with toothache so bad all night i rang emergency doctor at 5 am and she gave me co-codemol, which is stronger and did help but she said to go easy as i was preg.
Paracetamol is fine, though not to be abused of course; it is the ibrufen etc, that we are advised not to use.. I am getting headaches too. For tummy pain though, a hot water bottle was advised by my midwife x
i asked my mw of 23rd as same as u i have been having ed aches all time (never used to) she said they are fine just don't exceed the dose and stay clear of aspirin
Thank goodness for paracetemol, I have been eating it like sweeties!

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