I can barely believe it!

Yay!! I knew you would be!! :yay::pompom::yay:


Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months and a super sticky bean!

Woooooo I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it ... I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it :yay:
Mahooosive congrats!!! xxx
Congrats hun, i just got my BFP today too.

Still in denial- will re test Friday-eeeek xx
Congratulations! The present is cute and a fab idea, I bet the hubby must have been over the moon xxx
Thanks everyone!

I've been kind of absent here since my bfp :P

Congrats gregorys girl! We'll be due almost at the same time! That's great! :)
I keep testing with cheapies almost daily just to make sure it's really, really real, and the line is getting darker every day :P :)

Hubby is really, really happy and being sooo sweet and caring and "cheesy", I'm loving it! :P

We told my family the same day, and his family the next day (he wanted to wait longer, in case anything were to happen, but he changed his mind the next day as he really really wanted to tell, so he told his parents but waited with the siblings... then yesterday he talked to his mom again and she convinsed him to tell his grandmother and siblings because my father inlaw was soooo excited and wanted to tell evereyone and wanted to be able to talk to his own mother about it etc... so now hubbys grandmother and siblings know as well, and possibly other people.... we told them to tell as few as they possibly can... but I don't know how that will go...

Hubbys little brother (10 y.o.) wasn't too happy... he got really jealous :S
Hopefully he'll get used to the idea with time..
Omg Lewa- yes due to same time :) :) :)
We'll have our journey together. Will they be leap year babies?
I'm still in denial so I've not even worked out the due date, lol!!15th feb? Is that aquarius? Or maybe a valentines baby??
Not even told hubby till friday when I do the 3rd test. Did myy first response (2nd one today) line was much darker. How much r the digi ones?? I might get on!!
I've just taken a pregnancy test...and another one to make sure!...Turns out im pregnant....really wasn't planned...and the father isn't interested and told me to get rid of it.Just about to qualify as a nurse...then this happens.Really don't know what to do?!!? scared :(
Whoop well done hunny. I found out i've got a bun in the oven this morning and still in shock!! Big congrats hunny xx

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