A bit worried!


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2010
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Hi everyone

I got my BFP on sat 16th of jan (ebay cheapie) so got a clearblue plus and tested same day with that and also a faint positive came up. I did another cheapie yesterday morning and the line was darker then did another this morning but the line is a bit faded than yesterday so im starting to worry a bit as i expected the line to get darker each day. Has anyone else had a similar experience to this?
:wave: Welcome to the forum :)

dont compare the tests - they can all react slightly differently depending on the brand, the time you take it and even how much you've had to drink. :)
I am going 2 make an appointment with the doctor today to hopefully confirm the pregnancy
Good luck for the app hun let us know how you got on :dust: x
Good luck! I think it varies depending on how concentrated your urine is. Afterall, a BFP is a BFP!!
Best of luck and Welcome to the Forum :)
congrats a bfp is a bfp so i would say not to worry at all congrats hun!!!! :yay: have a healthy and happy nine months x x x x
thanku everyone that replied my mind is at rest now i have an appointment for tomorrow so i will let yous know how it goes im so excited now! and thanks for making me feel so welcome, good luck to everyone who is waiting on their BFP!!! xxx
wel i was at the drs yesterday and she booked me in2 the hospital wasnt goin 2 test me or anything so i asked and she said the home pregnancy tests r very sensitive so i most likely am pregnant even tho the lines were faded but she gave me another test anyway just to reassure me so i have 2 phone up this afternoon 4 my results. I think i just need 2 hear it coming from someone else so i cant wait 2 phone later lol. xxx
wel i was at the drs yesterday and she booked me in2 the hospital wasnt goin 2 test me or anything so i asked and she said the home pregnancy tests r very sensitive so i most likely am pregnant even tho the lines were faded but she gave me another test anyway just to reassure me so i have 2 phone up this afternoon 4 my results. I think i just need 2 hear it coming from someone else so i cant wait 2 phone later lol. xxx

i know what you mean hun, when i found out i was pregnant with my daughter i needed to hear it from someone else too. good luck today xx
phoned up 4 my results this afternoon and they r negative!:shock: i cant believe it after getting 4 positive home tests im hoping the test at the drs was negative because its still early days i was only due af on sat but still no sign of it arriving :eh:. i am going to try and wait a few days then do another test if af has still not arrived im so worried now and just cant believe it. has anyone else had a similar experience?

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