i am toughening up!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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iv always been so soft with our little princess, its caused some disagreements i can tell u lol as my boyf is very hard and steeley, whereas i could never do controlled crying and i felt absolutely gutted the first time she pushed her arms against my chest to get away from me in temper it really upset me lol!

but 2nite (boyf is staying out 2nite so its just us) after she's had her bath and bedtime milk and we were sat cuddling watching hollyoaks, she threw a strop coz i took the remote control off her (well, she was biting it, i dont want her to choke on a rubber button!) and i could see her face crumple as she watched it go out of reach- then she arched her back and started screaming! but i didnt go to pieces in fact i started laughing at her! idk why lol i just thought, "ooh, u little madam!" so i went to cuddle her but she wasnt having any of it she was pushing me away and wriggling and bunching her knees up and everything, so i was like "right, ur obviously tired, naughty girls go to bed!" and i carried her upstairs screaming (her, not me! lol) while i was laughing to mysellf and calmly put her to bed, kissed her and put the nitelite on and left the nursery.

she was out like a light! LOLZ i sounded like a proper mum a proper grown up haha was really proud of myself! and i was right too, she was tired! hehe get me!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Yay well done you!

It's amazing how temper develops before almost anything else!

Mhairi throws a strop daily....and i've started laughing at her too!

Temper can be a good thing too.....it'll stop them letting anyone take the p*ss out of them when they are older!


Good work Trix!!! Youknow your waa-waa very well!! Bless her throwing a mini strop!! :lol:

Its amazing how stroppy babies get isn't it :shock:
i kno, she's started doing it loads lately. its whenever something is taken from her- if she gets something she shouldnt have (like remote, or fone, or electrical cable) or if she's held onto a bath toy as i lift her out the bath and i take it to put back- she really clings tight so i gotta prize it from her then she throws a right tantrum! she was always a diva, but omg- iv got a premature 2-year-old! :lol: :roll:
trixipaws said:
i kno, she's started doing it loads lately. its whenever something is taken from her- if she gets something she shouldnt have (like remote, or fone, or electrical cable) or if she's held onto a bath toy as i lift her out the bath and i take it to put back- she really clings tight so i gotta prize it from her then she throws a right tantrum! she was always a diva, but omg- iv got a premature 2-year-old! :lol: :roll:

Sounds just like my Lola :lol:

Well done though trixie :hug:

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