just had a scare :(


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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just been up to feed milliepops (well about an hour ago now) and she spluttered on some milk. i think she mustve dozed off with some in her mouth then it went down the wrong way. altho shes always spluttering, she does it on her own spit quite often!
so its happened before, so as i usually do i stood up with her straight away, held her upright against my shoulder and patted her back firmly. usually about 3 pats and shes fine- if that actually, she often has recovered from it herself before iv even started patting.
but this time, after a few pats, she was still spluttering, sounded like she was struggling. i panicked, and patted harder, almost slapping her back loads, and still she was spluttering :(
the baby monitor was on so i yelled "help!" and my boyf came pelting up the stairs in about 2 steps. when he got in she'd recovered, although she still coughed a few times. only when she'd got up the last of the milk off her chest she started crying, not a whimper, a proper business cry! (not surprised, it mustve frightened her!)
she was fine then, but OMG iv never been so frightened! :(

going to bed now, she'll get extra cuddles 2nite!
:hug: :hug: That must have been really scary, Jake has nearly done that a few times, it really panics me
Aww no poor Millie. My little fella chokes and splutters lots at the moment its not nice.

I hope she is ok now though :hug: .
Poor little thing! I always get scared even if its just a little coughing! God knows how stressed I will get when I start on real food!
aww I bet that was scary. I tend not to panic when Alex coughs (and sometimes he coughs a lot) because I figure milk can't get stuck in his throat. So even if it's gone down the wrong way, afte a good coughing session he's always ok.

Lydia on the other hand scares me half to death sometimes choking on food!
Poor little girl- isshe alright now trix?

My little uns do it too, DS choled on food when he was little and that was bloody frighteneing, i had to get him out of his high chair and thump him he was thatbad!

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