i am so upset and mad


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
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at my mum :(
today she said to me that maybe it was time to think that it may just be me dh and my 2 girls and that i wont ever have a 3rd :cry:
this has really upst me she said that i may need to come to terms with that.
i was really upset and told dh who basically said the same thing as my mum :shock: so now im thinking is it just me that cant see the bigger picture as i never thought i would never have another :cry: i thought i still had some hope but now im begining to wonder if everyone else thinks this am i maybe not seeing things like they are :?
i get this a lot hun my family tell me to be greatful for what i have already that i shouldnt ttc again
dont give up until you are ready to it may be something you would regret in later life
never give up hope hun :hug: im sure you will have your 3rd baby one day xxxxxxxxxx
Oh Claire :hug: :hug: :hug: my mum is the same - my 2 children are older nearly 21 and 18 but they are my first husbands so me and Dave would love to have one of our own. She told me at my age (41) I should be looking forward to being a grandma not this silly trying to have a baby again stuff!! I know its because she is worried about me but I just feel like slapping her - it means I wont tell her anything now so I know just how you feel x x x x x
im sorry your upset hun and im sorry your family have said this hun,

like the girls have said never give up hope hun it will hapen for you one day in the future, i get told it a lot as well by my family but i cant give up and i wont if its something you want then dont let anything or anyone put you down, im here if you need me hun :hug: :hug:
Perhaps your mum is hurting too and doesn't want to be dissapointed again but I don't think she understands how important this is to you. Never give up hope - you've already had two healthy children so there's no reason why you can't have another.

I already responded to another post, but just a big :hug: again. Never lose hope!
I think that it was a bit harsh of your mum....but I can see that she is just trying to spare your feelings...cos of how upset you were after each M/C....

Although, you are never gonna rest untill you have your 3rd baby, and I dont think that you should stop trying, you have 2 healthy girls, and there is no reason you cant have another one day :hug:
:hug: thanks
i am not going to give up, but right now i need some time to not get stressed about ttc or going through all the stress of another m/c in time i will be ttc again unless the consultant comes up with a reason, but i think its best if i dont tell my mum when i feel the time is right as i know it hurts her just as much and i know she only said those things because she doesnt want me to go through it again. I would love to be able to tell her i was pregnant and past the usual stage of loss.
good im pleased your not going to give up hun, just relax and it will happen for you i wish you all the best,

here if you need me anytime xx :hug: :hug:
Claire :hug: :hug: they are only thinking of you and your hurt which will be laid bare for them now, its not that don't want another its just they want to protect you from pain as you know, glad you're going to keep trying, its what you want and I'm sure that deep down its what they want
Tell them to stop being so bloody negative and encourage you to think positive...

Honestly? Ignore them hon its not what you need to hear right now and probably untrue anyway...

:hug: :hug:

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