I am so scared


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2005
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hi all,
as most of you know i'm pregnant with my first, and at the moment i'm about 7 weeks (unsure of dates due to my irregular cycle and ovulation!)

I had a scan on the 19th May in hospital cos i had been having extremely bad pains in my tummy, which at the time they suspected was an eptopic pregnancy. At the time i thought i would be about 8 weeks, going off my last period which was on the 28th March. But they did the scan and said that i was about 4 weeks, as all there was was the gestation sac....
A week later i was back in hospital as the pains had gotten worse, and they were keeping me up all night crying and stuff, and they did another scan on the 25th May, at which point they confirmed that the pregnancy was in my uterus, but they could still only see the gestation sac.

I am due back in for another scan on Thursday (9th June) at which point i should be about 7 weeks going off the last scan... but i've been using the internet to find pictures of people's 5 week scans, and all of them look like there was more than the gestation sac.... now i am so scared that there isn't a baby inside, just the sac.

I want this so much, and i'm so scared that i'm going to wake up and its all a dream or something!!!!

Sorry to write such a big piece, just starting to worry and feel like there's no-one to talk to, as even though Graham is being great and supportive he thinks "everything will be ok" is the answer to everything, he just doesn't get all the feelings that i'm going through right now, which is why i am so glad that i've found this site!!!!

Thanks for reading

Hiya Hayley,
try not to worry, I know easier said than done. It may just be its embedded at an akward angle or something so its hard to get a clear picture, if you were only 4 weeks at the time of the scan it would have been very tine to see anyway.
The best thing you can do for you and your baby, is ty to stay calm and take it easy. As you will see from the posts all over this forum everyone is nervous and panicking over something or other, its natural to worry, it can be a very scary time.
Its good you have found this site, I have found it really reasuring to find so many other people with the same fears and problems as me to share things with.
Im sure you will find half a dozen people on here who have had a similar experience who can putyour mind at rest.
Congrats and good luck!
Thank you!!!
I try and stay calm....
it's only cos both scans there was nothing except the big black circle!!
i'm looking forward to the scan on thursday just to confirm that the baby has grown and stuff!!
I just needed to air my worries, cos poor Graham doesn't understand! (bless him!!!)

i hope all is well on thursday for you! your not the only worried one - i'm paranoid about alot of things at the moment, you hear all these stories about so and so many % of all pregnancies end in miscarriage.... it's no wonder i'm nervous!!!

good luck!
Thanks Petchy, i'm the same, i've known for 4 weeks now that i'm pregnant and i'm only just starting to believe it!!!
I don't think that fear ever goes away!!!

Hi Hayley, I went for my 12 weeks scan 2 weeks ago and they couldn't find anything! I was so scared as I thougt all along that might happen and they would tell me to stop being stupid as I wasn't even pregnant! Anyway they finally found the little thing and I could see it's heart beating and was told that I was only 8.3 week gone! I was very shocked as my last period was 1st March so should have been 12 weeks. Anyway what I am trying to say is don't worry so much. If there was anything wrong then your doctor/midwife would have said something. It's good news that they have invited you back for a second scan. Keep us all updated on how you get on and good luck sx
Thanks for that Stacy!!!
Its re-assured me loads!!!

Good luck for your scan today - I'm having a scan too because they don't know where my baby is. Hoping to see my little bump on the screen.

Thinking of you
I don't really want to say this, but to let you know that there was nothing on the screen for my scan....
still only the 5 week gestation sac, exactly the same as 2 weeks ago.
I went in to theatre at 3pm yesterday, still in shock.

Good Luck to all of you, lots of love

Hayley xxx
My heart goes out to you Hayley :(

I really really hope there's a baby in there that's just not visible in the scans

Lots of love and warm thoughts

There wasn't a baby in there... they did an external and an internal scan, there was nothing there, so they did an "evacuation" yesterday....
I feel really sad and empty, but i'll survive....

All the best to everyone else with thier babies...

We've already talked and decided that we're going to enjoy the wedding, and go on the family holiday to Canada in January and then try and get pregnant again afterwards!!!

Lots of Love to all

Hayley xxxx
Sending all my love to you and your partner right now - I can't imagine how u must be feeling.

Good luck for the wedding and ttc. My thoughts are wth you


I'm so sorry sweetheart. I didn't realize theatre meant evacuation (my english is rubbish)

Wishing you a speedy recovery. Maybe it was meant to be

Take care of yourself

I keep saying that it wasn't meant to be...
Maybe it was just meant to bring the wedding forward to this year....
I'm doing ok, relaxing lots...
We're going to go to Alton Towers and have a nice day just for us...
Looking forward to the wedding now!!!

Lots and lots of love, thank you for your nice comments!!


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