i am so mad (at my self) HORMONE ALERT


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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I thought id done a good thing having the big S deliver to me
well very annoyed

i managed to roayaly f*** it up
i clicked on tea bags it was the first bloody thing i ordered but what have i ended up with 1 packet of SUNBITE OVEN CRISPS I didnt even look in the crisp section but its on the list on line and on the recipt

I have no bloody teabags now

I also didnt check the size of the 100% orange juice drinks i wanted i thought i was getting large packs of 6 orange juice cartons
ive got the litty bity ones WITH 3% FRUIT IN :x
and 3 itty bitty cranberry juice cartons instead of the big ones

I asked for 1 packet of tomatos IVE GOT 2 :x
I wanted the low fat chips i got bloody Macans ok they said they had ran out of the ones i wanted but it just made me even more MAD :twisted:

I bought so much frozen stuff I CANT FIT IT ALL IN THE BLOODY FREEZER :x :x

And the mandarins, sugar snaps, bananas ,apples, cibatta bread crusty bloomer bread, tomamto and basil soup and heinz chicken soup
i ordered ARE NOT IN THE BAGS :x :x :twisted: and have dissapered of the bloody list on line and on the recipet

I AM GOING TO BLOW A FUSE :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Ive gone of home delivery

On the a postive note The crisps are quite nice ive not tried theses ones before
Oh you have to laugh :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: i suppose :?
Awwww..bless- I feel really sorry for you hun.
It's the sort of thing I would be :evil: at too and OH wouldn't underdstand why!
I've never used home delivery, but I have heard some stories before of things turning up in your shopping in replacement for things you really wanted-so it might not be your fault after all.
You know i was thinking about home delivery before when washing pots must have read on you post thinking that sounded like a good idea esp when baby born but after reading this post i think i won't bother!! :lol:
Lol. Bless ya hun :hug: :hug:
Don't add milk and sugar to your crisps though. Lol.

My mum did her shopping online and then went out after it had been delivered to get all the things she had forgotten! So it wasn't worth it for her either. Worth a try though!

It'd bug me too, silly home delivery people. Don't they understand the needs of pregnant women!!

xx :hug:
BabyBee said:
Lol. Bless ya hun :hug: :hug:
Don't add milk and sugar to your crisps though. Lol.

My mum did her shopping online and then went out after it had been delivered to get all the things she had forgotten! So it wasn't worth it for her either. Worth a try though!

It'd bug me too, silly home delivery people. Don't they understand the needs of pregnant women!!

xx :hug:

Thanks for that Suzie Keli and Sarah
you girls are soooooooo great!!!! :hug: :hug:
Im a red head and being a northern red headed pregnant women with mongolian blood is a recipy for disaster :rotfl: :rotfl:

My shopping list for tommorow all the below went mising of my list
toamto and basil soup
chicken soup
cabatta bread &
crusty bloomer bread
and chocolate just cause i want some :D
oh and now some JELLY samamntha has me craving it now :D

im going to bed now :sleep:
awww dont be mad at yourself hun its that damn supermarket!!!

hope you get all you want in the end :D
I had a bad experience with home delivery myself... I thought I ordered 1 packet of bananas abd 1 packet of apples.....

I got 1 banana and 1 apple on their own doh!!!! :doh:

On tescos home delivery they have an option where they can't replace items if they don't have them, they just take it off your bill, i found that much better as they kept giving me random things as replacements.

Hope it's better next time for you (if you do it again...) xx
I haven't used home delivery myself but have heard many similar stories... just proves the old adage... if you want something done properly, do it yourself!!!

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