Am I right to be mad?

Sounds like you do hun,
So are you technically in a relationship with him at the moment?
I don't really know what to suggest as he obviosuly needs some help/counselling or something! But i'm guessing he doesn't see anything wrong with what he's doing which makes it so much more difficult.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Make sure you look after yourself xxxx
technically I am in a relationship with him yes. He just doesnt live here anymore. He has been gone 4 months...maybe a bit more. I see him less and less though due to him always being busy or not wanting to spend time with me. At first I thought it would be a very short separation but because I said if he came back Id like at least one night a week where we spent time together he wouldnt have it.

I know probably some of you think Im mad staying with him but you have to understand before as I said he was normal. A gorgeous, loving boyfriend. We had a good relationship. We been together 4 comiong up 5 years and we've been close friends for 14 years. Its only in the past 6 months things have turned like this, completely out of the blue. He always wanted children, we planned our little man too....but now he isnt so sure etc...

ok Il stop now else Il not shut up!! :oops:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

U aren't mad - only u know what u have.

Can u sit him down and talk to him? Or write a letter if its easier.

I know u have said he has had a rough year and I am sure things will be better once the baby is here
Hey, it's good to talk and get things off your chest.
I don't think you're silly for staying with him at all hun! I think you've been sensible about it - getting him to move out. And it's obvious it's a problem he has, which means it's something that can be solved and worked out so hope is not lost!
Have some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:shock: :shock: :shock: from me at the whole story and from my OH too who thinks your OH is a complete t*sspot and that you're far too good for him. I think my OH secretly fancies you though :rotfl:

TOTALLY addicted - and in a really weird way, but I think it's very common from what I hear.

Anyway poor you and I hope he begins to realise what he has soon :hug:
thankyou girls :hug:

Its a battle getting him to see the problem though. We have discussed it about 3 months ago when he first left and he promised that he would cut down the time he spent on seems its actually gotten worse and now he spends loadsa money too :? back then he did accept though that it was ruining our relationship.

Id love to believe that once the baby is here things may change but Im having a hard time thinking that. Im usually the most positive, upbeat & optimistic person, any problem can be solved! but this has me truly stumped. I think the baby will be the end for us I really do. The more weeks go by, the less I see him. The more he tells me Ive ruined his life as he wont be able to go on the computer :wall: I keep thinking its got to be a wind up and he'll turn around one day and be back to who he was but I think Im trying to kid myself.

Im mentally preparing to be a single parent but something makes me keep fighting to save our relationship. I cant just give up can I.


debecca Im sure your OH wouldnt fancy me hun....Im such a great woman that I make men want to run off and play with night elves and such :rotfl:

I think I need a nice soak in a cold bath...I have a temperature just to top everything off :roll:


thanks for listening in advance, you girls are great!!! :hug:
I hope this makes you feel better
My man being as totlal idiot forgot i was sitting right next to him
Said she's YOU TILLY is on the site lot SHE IS VERY PRETTY ISNT SHE?
Well yes you our very pretty i totaly agree but i still lamped him one on the head for that. :twisted:
So my man fancies you too :roll: :)
He's a police man in the MOD and his best mate is in Kent police i can sent them round to sort him out nnooooooooooooo problem. :lol:
Though you have to promise to give my James back, you can have his mate he's quite tasty i have to admit. DONT LET JAMES KNOW THAT. :rotfl:
Hears a hug from me :hug:
let me know men you wont my man and his mate, :think: actually i can get the whole of Kent police and all James MOD police friends round now that sound a better idea
:wink: It will scared the s*** out of him
They can oultine in no uncertain terms his duites and responsibilities
As soon as I read 'gold for character' I knew it was WoW. My OH played it a lot, to the point where he wouldn't come over to see me. It can be addictive and I started playing it as well and found myself clocking up 9 hours a day on it! My OH doesn't play it anymore... he has moved onto another online game called Eve which is just as bad!

You do have every right to be mad but if he is anything like my fella he'll get defensive over it. I can't even mention warcraft or eve without him getting huffy and telling me that I am trying to control him! :wall:
I wasnt goin to post but ill keep it short... lol

No offense, but he sounds like a cock, and you're definetly not wrong for feeling mad about everything thats gone on over a computer game?!... even im gettin wound up jus reading it lol

I mean i know people that are computer geeks and somewhat addicted, but none to that extent. Someone needs a wake up call.

and geordie lass's man has a point... lad must be mad to be choosing a computer game over yourself.
awww hun :hug: you sound likea fab woman and will be a great mum,at the end of the day it will be your other halfs loss not to be involved as he should be with you and baby and in years to come he will see that perhaps.You have no reason to be treated this way and you deserve sooo much better :hug:
LOL Geordie Lass!! :rotfl: thankyou for the offer, Il kep it in mind :wink:

Jo-ann...control him?! LOL Ive heard that one before! :lol:

Craig you smoothy :rotfl: thanks. Yes he can be a penis at times but this really isnt him at just looks & sounds like him :lol:

Thanks Helsekia :hug: :hug:
I think Il do ok, its just frustrating! Definately no WoW for my little man when he's here! No way!!!!!!

:hug: awww Tilly

My DH used to be addicted to travian (sp) and we used to fall out about it all the time... In the end he closed his account because of all the problems it caused so I'm lucky we sorted it when we did. It used to drive me mad!

I'm sure your OH will come to his senses when baby is born, having a baby can change some people for the better.
Hi tilly,

not overacting.

MY DH sometimes plays games, so last night i asked him if he would ever spend real money on a virtual game. Luckily he msut have seen the look in my eye cos he said no. So i gave him the basics of your post. he said that buying gold like that is now actually illegal (but people find loopholes) and the WoW is one of the biggest realtionship wreckers in the UK.

He also agreed that good playes don't need to buy gold cos they can earn it.


Hope you are feeling ok this morning?

I think you said your oh lost his dad last year and that was connected to the start of him playing the game?

Not making excuses for him, but grief is so complicated and obviously has so many different effects on people. Maybe this is partly the problem, maybe he needs some form of grief counselling.

I know when I lost my dad it completly rocked my whole world, it was 15 years ago and I went through a really bad time. Its only now all these years later I can actually talk about his death without breaking down.

Saying all that your oh needs to know that being violent to you is a definate no-no. That is not acceptable under any circumstances.

I hope it works out for you, but dont ever accept any man raising his hand to you, ever!!

And make sure you eat properly, you need to be well and healthy for little man.

Loads of hugs and good karma coming your way :hug:

Jue xx
good old WoW! Ive heard this alot. My OH's mate became TOTALLY addicted. He got made redundant 18 months ago, and ever since then, he just sits in his house playing WoW. He made no effort to even find another job in all that time, and now his moneys run out he's signing on so he can still sit there playing it. :shock: Pillock, lol.

Me and OH used to play wow, ( and i quite liked it) but you could always threaten your OH! Tell him if he buys gold again, you'll report him to Blizzard (makers of wow) and they'll ban him for good :rotfl: its cruel but it might stop him buying gold,lol :twisted:

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