Am I right to be mad?

Tilly, You are a bright, beautiful, intelligent woman. You pobably won't want to hear this, but this guy so doesn't deserve you. Grief is a terrible thing but that excuse doesn't wash. Don't take any more crap, get him to shape up, accept his responsibilities or move on. You deserve more. You're gonna be a great mom anyway. Do you have the support of family and friends?`
Men :twisted: pains in the arse if you ask me! they are totally selfish never think about the way we feel only themselves and can never lie in the bed they've made, they just run away from responsibilty!! tossers. we need support at the moment someone to look after us and be there for us, i know how you feel tilly :hug: i think we spend far too much time thinking about them when we need to be thinking of ourselves.. xxxx
Hi tilly
Just wanted to say, hope your doing a bit better today and you managed to get some sleep last night! I think perhaps once the baby arrives, it'l give your boyf the kick up the arse he needs!! I know how difficult it is for you at the moment, when I was pregnant the first time round my oh didnt seem to care, was always out with his mates. i was lucky if i saw hime once a week!! I bought everything myself, the pram, clothes everything. It was only once baby arrived, after a lot of complictations he realised what an arse he had been!!
Keep your chin up!! Make sure your looking after yourself too, mummy and baby ALWAYS come first! :hug:
a v quick post but this post stuck a chord with me, my hubbies mum was dying a few years ago, she was an alcoholic. He turned to drink himself and became addicted to online porn, he never paid for it but he was so sneaky and wantedme out the house and resented me being there.

He eventually broke down once confronted and we both had to seek support. I agree witht the girsl that his behavour is terrible and if he has become violent then it has got to a point where he has lost your love and trust forever but i do know my hubbie came back to me, he once again became the wonderful man i fell in love with, i think there is hope for him if he has the strenght to confront his problems rather than just esaping into this virtual reality, i really hope things get better for you hun, you deserve it
OMG! I'd never heard of WoW before, sounds scarily addictive. Hope my OH sticks to his ps3, at least it doesn't cost anything.

I don't blame you for being angry, it's incredibly selfish spending so much money on a game when you're struggling to save for the baby that he agreed to in the first place! Trouble is it sounds like he's in denial and until he accepts he has a problem you can't help him :(

Although it's hard, maybe it's best if you just leave him to it for now and just focus on you and the baby. It sounds like your OH isn't ready to be helped and you have to think about you for a change :hug: :hug: :hug:

My OH has commented on how pretty you are before, I think you've got quite a fan club out there :lol:

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