I am now single :)


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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Me and oh broke up tonight and im so numb right now.
iv cried for like a minute and just think now fuck u basterd!
although now im blubbering, ahhhh.

Anyway hes been caught in the past looking at dating sites and adding girls on fb and then messaging them saying hey babe i added u cus ur fit.
so me and my mate set up a fake account to try and catch him out.
we emailed him on there saying hey fittie you ok and he replied some awful stuff. in the end asking to meet up tonight (when he was suppose to be at a friends), saying he wants to have sex with her outside, he sed to her his gf just nags him constantly so it doesnt matter if he cheats on me. although im 10 weks pregnant!!.

In the end i text him saying it was actually me and that were over.

Iv had him lie to me for the past 2 1.2 years about once a week over something.
its too much and iv had enough, espesh after this, the messages he sent her were discusting!

1 min im thinkin what a prick and i cant wait to sell his ps3 tomorrow! then the next minute im crying my eyes out thinking how could he do this to me!

i even text him saying r u not even sorry?! he txt back saying 'what for its not like i cheated!'

i mean is he for real!
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oh hun im so so sorry to hear this ! hope ur ok ! stay strong for ur little ones and ur baby on the way ! hope uv got lots of friends to give u real hugs but heres a virtual one:hug::hug: xxxxx
ah ull be grand! chin up , u have a fab wee family and a decent life! youll be far better off without him, quicker hes gone quicker you can move on!! xxx
i no it sucks as were i live i have no friends, not even 1 lol. i have a friend from were i used to live whos coming down tuesday to see me but thats it. but yeah i cant believewhat hes done. utterly discusted me!
so he txt me says he wants to sort it out, so he comes back at half 11pm, comes in on his fucking high horse doesnt say anything not even an apology!
Goes upstairs and packs his stuff, then demands i tell him were the ps3 is but i hid it in the car cause like fuck is he having that when i paid for it.
He then refuses to leave so i go to call the police to wich he chucks the phone outa my hands and pins me up against the wall and tries to starngle me.
I get away and grab another phone and run in the kitchen and dial 999 and chcuk the phone in the bin so even if i cant talk theyll still trace it and come out to me. he tries to get me out the way to get the phone etc but i push him away, he then grabs my iphone of the bookshelf and legs it out the back door into his mates car with his stuff and MY fucking iphone!!

so not only has he been caught out to trying have sex with other girls he has the cheak to tell me he wants to sort it out altho that was just a away of getting in my house to get his stuff and THEN stangles me and THEN steals my iphone!!!

have had the police out till 1:40am taking a statement and they on a hunt for him now.

honestly hes beyond me! fucking wanker. im so pissed of, how does he think he has the right to do that!
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hope you are OK hun, sounds like a nightmare and I hope you can get yourself well and truly out of this and away from him.
Oh god, are you ok hun?
Try to stay strong for those beautiful kids of yours! And he really doesn't deserve you!

Oh my god! What an absolute nob, I hope you're ok xx
Oh god that is awful, you deserve better than.a tosser like that, I'm so sorry you had to go through this, hope you get your iPhone back and he gets what he deserves .. xx
Good job you found out he can be violent like that before baby comes along, you are much better off without him. Hes obviously not what you thought he was and he has shown his true colours now. I know you must be upset but remember you will be upset at what you THOUGHT he was like but hes shown thats all bull. You look after yourself and LO. Dont let him near you again its not worth the risk. xx
OMG Lily, I can't believe he did all that to you :shock: Never mind the cheating (I would class what he did as cheating for defo), but actually assaulting you AND while you're pregnant. I can't believe he has mates that would let him in the car after that, if he was my mate I'd have held him there til the police arrived.

Really hope you're ok, you and your kids so don't need him anywhere near you :hug:
OMG just read this, are you ok??

You done the right thing about the police, and remember to phone them if he does anything else, so they've got it on record. It can help alot when it comes to custody of the children.

Its not the first time i've heard of someone making up a fakey account to catch a man out, they're so dumb sometimes. He must've been embarrased and thats why he wasn't sorry no excuse though.

How awful, hope you are ok :hugs: what a twat! xxx
What a c**t! Ur best off with out him! Sell his ps3 abd spend it on LO

OH MY GOD i know they wont look lightly on this charge my ex did exactly the same to me LO was at her daddies thoughif not they want to involve SS to check on the safety of the children police refferr it straight away i got a letter to say they were not persuing it further as DD was away! were your children in?? What a knob! I went to court and i had to give evidence and it was a custodial sentence!

I hope your ok babe i know exactly how you must be feeling !! x
and BTW Lilly judging by the profile pic you are stunning so god knows what he's on with x
Thankyou everyone!
I dont feel too bad today althought the police still havent arrested him yet or got my phone back!
i still cant believe what he did he messaged the girl saying 'meet me now and we can get to know each other bodies ;)' that just keeps repeating in my head, its gross :(

all my family hate his guts anyway but all his mates think hes god for some reason, he does have a screw loose though i swear as hell go to his mates n them them a whole diff story to whats happened to make himself look good!
Aint worth any more of your time hun.

Let him play his silly little games because let's face it, he's just a little tiny boy inside and can't face reality. And you're a strong independant woman who's got two beautiful children by her side and one on the way.

Let him screw himself over time after time while you've got the world all to yourself and a nice safe home for your family.

In all honesty sweets, it sounds like you're well shut! What an asshole!! All the best to you and your baby honey xx

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