pregnant with second baby and single...


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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hi, im pregnant with my second baby and im single again!! my first child is 16 months old, and although his dad is around he doesnt actually do anything for him, he does not provide money or support. and now with this new pregnancy i feel more alone than ever.. i started to think that things were working out between me and my ex but then he starts being nasty again. i cant win, i try to get him out of my life but he just goes on and on at me and then when he has me where he wants me he drops me saying that he dont want me! its got to the point where my confidence is shattered and i feel like i will never be happy...
thats my situation you dont need to post a reply if you dont want to it just helps to get it out in the open.
anyway, thanks for listening/reading.
Hi hun,

I am really sorry to hear your situation. I am a single mum to be as well but my ex left at 7 weeks pregnant and I've not seen him since. He's doesn't want anything at all to do with Evie and isn't paying a penny etc...

At first it killed me, but now I'm so pleased he isn't around and I'm actually scared of him coming back! lol How things change!

You WILL be ok... It might take 2 days, 2 months, or 2 years, but you will get through it.

Here's a hug for you and PM me if you ever need a chat :hug: xxx

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