I am feeling very smug - what has everyone bought so far?

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I suck!

So far I've bought Emily 'my little hungry caterpillar' mini books.

That's it!!!!!

My excuse is my 30th is at the end of Oct, I've had to buy a new dress, shrug, killer heels that are going to literally kill me. I need to keep £70 for my cut/colour/curl and pin up. Money for drinks. (apparently my meal is being paid for) getting my eyebrows down but an old school friend is doing that so it's only 7 quid. Having a mini party here after the meal so I'll need to get drink in.

I think that's a fairly good excuse?

After that though I have heaps to buy. Not getting Emily alot though! I still need to buy a new tree and new decorations as well because I chucked everything when I moved.

Oh the thought of it makes me want to cry - soooooo expensive!!!!!
Best add mine for you since you nudged me this way lol

Piggy bank
Magnetic numbers book
Magnetic alphabet book
Tinkerbell wash mitt
ELC wooden cottage & accessories
Cleaning set (brush, mop, dust pan +brush)
Tinkerbell stationary case - Personalised

Piggy bank
Mickey mouse wash mitt
Building blocks
ELC wooden cottage & accessories
Cleaning set (brush, mop, dust pan +brush)
Books - Learning of some kind
Minnie stationary case - Personalised

To share
Mrs Potato head to share
Doll accessories (bottles + bibs)
Pop up play house for play room
Wooden ironing board
Dolls bed
Dressing up stuff
More arts and crafts stuff
Stocking fillers
Peter Pan DVD
Couple of other CDs - Non disney

I have most of the bits - All the italic items I still have to buy.


For Caitlins birthday which is the 2nd December I'm going to get her a girly CD player and some nursery an disney music CDs. I have today bought 4 disney read along cds + book from toys r us too :D


We're all doing well considering its September :oooo: :lol:
Still nothing :roll: although I was chatting to mum earlier and she said to get her and dad a joint experience gift thing, so if I do that then I only have o/h to buy for. As for baby, not too sure what I should do. I was thinking of waiting til closer to the time for that one. If he/she is here for Xmas then Defo will get something but with no idea on when he/she will arrive it's hard to gauge. Will probs get something in just in case
Im pleased that i've started christmas shopping but im getting carried away buying Tegan stuff!
in the night garden mega bloks.
talking makka pakka.
little people playset.
spinning alphabet ball.
dressing gown & pjs.
2 books.
rainbow aquadraw.
pair of trainers.
that's it so far but i've done Tegan's birthday which is next month! i've also got my mum & dads birthday before then but no idea what im getting them xx
wow girlies i thought i was prepared!

For dyaln ive got

car garage with loads of cars
maraca...he was with me when i was shopping and wouldnt let me put it back :/
2 bath puppets
alphabet foam letters for bath
Winnie the pooh bottle

also going to get him some my first xmas bits and some dvds and cds

FIL AND SMIL i have to tickets to see the soldiers in concert :smug: gunna love me!

MIL a photo bag with d on and some yummy homemade chocolate and cookie package to share with SFIL unsure on his gift yet!

My mum photo calender with lots of pictures of dylan and a homemade chocolate and cookie package to share woth
My dad and a engraved pocket watch from dylan as he collects them :D

SIL is another clueles present as onlty just managed to think of something for her 21st on 7th oct but she is getting a beaded charm braclet so maybe some thing for that :/

MY sis a chocolate inhaler as she is addicted to chocolate...litterally! and a homemade cookie and chocolate package

My other sister no idea but also a homemade package!

My brither no idea but prob some tshirts or summin!
Omg how much have all you girlies bought?! Mamafy your kids are going to have a ball!

I have got -

Mum - Tshirt and canvas pic if my bro and sis
Stepdad - Dirt 3 for Xbox
Brother - 2 wedgit boards
Sister - Auntie bracelet, craft set
Nanny - A personalised flower pot from Matthew
Pop - A book, tea towel and socks (exciting eh? :lol:)
Nana - Personalised flower pot
Papa - Socks and cigarettes lol
Godmother - Canvas pic if her 2 kids
OH - Timbys and a ps3 game
OH's Mum - Willow tree ornament and 'Grandmas brag book'
OH's Dad - Football ticket
OH's nephews - OH picked all their toys!
OH's mum - Willow tree ornament and a 'Grans bragbook'
OH's dad - He's getting a ticket for a football game(OH can sort that lol)

Still got all Matthews to get, leaving the fun bit till last! :)

Ive got nothing so far and no ideas!

Husband expressed interest in the new kindle, but seeing as we already have an iPad I'm not sure it'll get used much. I suppose he can use it on the train commutes

Haha think I've just talked myself into the first pressie! Not being anything yet though, got hubby's 39th birthday to get through first and I've booked us flights to Edinburgh for the weekend staying in a suite in one of their poshest hotels - costing a bloody fortune...wish I'd thought about that at the time!
So Far..


Dolls House
Tell The Time Jigsaw
Majorettes Twirling Baton
Who Am I Board Game
Barbie and Traning Puppies
Art And Crafts


Nothing yet what do you get a 4month old??



5 Nephews

4 - Money
1 - Car Mat with cars, Dvd


Majorettes Twirling Baton, Dvd, Book

2 Cousins

Nothing Yet

OH Mum

Smellies, Photo of Brooke And Charlie, Homemade Cookies

Brothes And Sister

Smellies, Homemade Cookies

My Mum and Nan from the kids

Photo of Brooke And Charlie, Homemade Cookies

Then we have secret santa with my family every one spends £20 and then we all get a present and it works out so much cheaper.
So far ive got..

OH -
Engraved Pocket watch (he collects them)

Alanna -
Ride on duck rocky thing
Pull along Elephant with balls in it and stuff lol

Aaaaaaaaand thats it!
Im so broke for christmas this year with airfares!
ANNNNDDD Its my dads birthday, my brothers birthday, my birthday, and lannas birthday from now till christmas! I havent even started on those :( Help on cheapie nice gifts?!
I've gave up on my list, everytime I cross something off C adds something else on lol have chose what I'm getting family though, Yankee candle tart burner for mummy and Cs mummy, lots of tarts, pampering mum to be things for my sister, pjs etc x
Got these for myself and the rest of the world can wait :twisted:


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Yay I started today,

Dr who character creations tardis playset with 4 figures
Dr who flesh with random body parts (Eww lol)
2012 diary
Stapler and staples
Pritt stick pack
Flying tardis toy with Dr & Amy figures
Character building 11 doctors set

Woohoo and were off...


ball pit balls
like 20 books
2 wooden puzzles
1 dolls pram
1 doll
3 dolls outfits
1 rag doll (my mum bought her)
2 sock cats
1 in the night garden vetech book
1 bird thing wearing a santa hat
bouncing cow
2 maisy dvds
1 little einsteins dvd
1 princess cd
1 pj set


1 dvd - cat onsie to buy


need ideas


to buy- badminton personalised t-shirt with
'take it to the badminton court' printed on it


Zara- sock monkey (made)

Ellie- sock monkey (made)

Naomi- her 4 boys (1 sock monkey made 3 to go)

Tammy- sock monkey (half made)

Maisies friend autumn- no idea!! probably clothes

maisies friend Iris- book
wow girlies i thought i was prepared!

For dyaln ive got

car garage with loads of cars
maraca...he was with me when i was shopping and wouldnt let me put it back :/
2 bath puppets
alphabet foam letters for bath
Winnie the pooh bottle

also going to get him some my first xmas bits and some dvds and cds

FIL AND SMIL i have got tickets to see the soldiers in concert :smug: gunna love me!

MIL a photo bag with d on and some yummy homemade chocolate and cookie package to share with SFIL unsure on his gift yet!

My mum photo calender with lots of pictures of dylan and a homemade chocolate and cookie package to share woth
My dad and a engraved pocket watch from dylan as he collects them :D

SIL is another clueles present as onlty just managed to think of something for her 21st on 7th oct but she is getting a beaded charm braclet so maybe some thing for that :/

MY sis a chocolate inhaler as she is addicted to chocolate...litterally! and a homemade cookie and chocolate package

My other sister no idea but also a homemade package!

My brither no idea but prob some tshirts or summin!

ok so i caved in and dylan had his walker early! :D and he loves it and it also gives me time to clean the flat while he toddles around!

ive now bought my dads pressie too and its all wrapped and in the xmas bag in the wardrobe!

also started practising some of my home made bits :D
His own body weight in sweets BOUGHT
Spongebob monoply
Spongebob duvet cover for his bedspace in Afghan.

CK One Shock (loving him deciding he's a 'man' now haha!)

A photo cube for work with some 'pro' shots of my OH and Bro.

Malteasers (the usuals)

No idea. Like At all.

OH's Family.-
Alcamafrol, though I think I'm going to let him sort that out.

Bracelett BOUGHT

A nice bottle of plonk.

And I give up with the rest!
I too am feeling mega smug. Baby is due on 4th December and I have a 2 year old daughter so didn't fancy trailing round the shops while mega pregnant. Loooove the internet. Check out the vistaprint calendar offer - excellent present for the doting grnadparents and also snapfish, they do fabbo photo books, thats both sets of grandparents sorted. Bluecross for the animal lover relatives and then finally amazon and ebay for everyone else. All presents present and correct! Just got to wrap them all now, grrrr
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