I am feeling very smug - what has everyone bought so far?

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You're in the lead Mamafy lol I need to update mine too x
Right, Jayne get online now, and I want you to buy TWO presents! You can choose who for, and none for yourself lol x
Want a screenshot of the confirmation page too! Get going lol x
yeah jayne!! must be pretty substantial no0t cost wise but do ur xmas shopping for one person!! :P) woohoo xx
u cud order something nice for ur mum and dad, the photo calendars for 2012? u cud have lots of family photos inc C would be nice?? xx
oooh OH is getting one of those calenders =D Bought my paper now so I'm a happy girly can start my proper shopping =D
Where did you get it LuW? I was so tempted to start writing my christmas cards but I'm not sure haha x
oh i've seen my cards but they've not bee bought yet haha! And good old matalan! One rolls purple with silver and blue writing over it and the others white with christmas trees with like purple blue and silver 'baubles' on them. hard to explain... will get some pictures up with things get wrapped to explain haha! Guna find myself some little taffta bags too for like sweets and little things, dont like it when even the smallest thing hasn't been decorated at least somehow haha!
Haha love it! My sister got lovely bags off eBay to put her favors in for her wedding, they were reasonable and gorgeous x
was my uncles second wedding i got the idea from like 4 years ago! been doing it ever since! and some things that I think might wrip the paper before the time is right I wrap in tissue paper first and then the wrapping paper so its doesn't wrip and they cant 'accidentally' get a peak!

So damn fussy over my preston wrapping haha! Be it birthdays, weddings, christmases whatever! haha!
I love ripping the presents open but when it's all lovely wrapped I do it so carefully lol I had a ball wrapping Odhráns bits last year, and sticking random bows all over things haha.. It's therapeutic! x
Love wrapping them, but if somethings dead prettily wrapped I can't see it being opened! It's like watching someone pull appart my lifes work! haha! I'm so particular too! Like the edges that can be seen are folded over so its a straight clean line and dead set center and everything! if its not I'll unwrap and re-wrap over and over! Can't even look at anything under my mums tree because all i see is wonky lines or bows that aren't in the right places!

Think I need to get over myself haha!
Best add mine for you since you nudged me this way lol

Piggy bank
Magnetic numbers book
Magnetic alphabet book
Tinkerbell wash mitt
ELC wooden cottage & accessories
Cleaning set (brush, mop, dust pan +brush)
Tinkerbell stationary case - Personalised

Piggy bank
Mickey mouse wash mitt
Building blocks
ELC wooden cottage & accessories
Cleaning set (brush, mop, dust pan +brush)
Books - Learning of some kind
Minnie stationary case - Personalised

To share
Mrs Potato head to share
Doll accessories (bottles + bibs)
Pop up play house for play room
Wooden ironing board
Dolls bed
Dressing up stuff
More arts and crafts stuff
Stocking fillers
Peter Pan DVD
Couple of other CDs - Non disney

I have most of the bits - All the italic items I still have to buy.


For Caitlins birthday which is the 2nd December I'm going to get her a girly CD player and some nursery an disney music CDs. I have today bought 4 disney read along cds + book from toys r us too :D
Jeez, how bad do I feel reading this thread?!

Ive so far brought wrapping paper...and I brough that in January lol.

Ill get cracking I think.
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