I am FAT!!!!!!!!!!!

Well i have done my bit for baby today,galaxy milk drink and a bar of galaxy,may get another one in before bed :D xx
Do you think cream cakes work the same way? :lol:

I'll wait till i get home to get chocolate intake tongiht!! Won't feel as much of a pig while i'm at home alone eating away!!

I tihnk you'll manage another 2 beofer bed Nikki, if you REALLY tried! :wink:
Vicki83 said:
Do you think cream cakes work the same way? :lol:

I'll wait till i get home to get chocolate intake tongiht!! Won't feel as much of a pig while i'm at home alone eating away!!

I tihnk you'll manage another 2 beofer bed Nikki, if you REALLY tried! :wink:

I can see there being the biggest loosing weight thread ever after we have all had our baby's,Laura might need to set up a new forum :rotfl: xx
:lol: I know! Ah well at least we'll all have plenty of moral support from each other on here!!

I've never ate so many cream cakes in my life, and it's not really my fault, one of the older guys in at work every afternoon this week keeps asking if the baby wants a cream cake, so who am i to refure the LO a cake every now and again (OK 5 days in a row, but who's counting eh) :wink:
who cares, we have an excuse to do it now so i say bring on the cream cakes:) :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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