Losing Fat


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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Has anyone here spoken to their midwife about losing some excess fat whilst pregnant? I don't want to diet, but I am noticing some fat around my middle area a lot more than normal, as well as some other places, and I would like to reduce some of it. I want to be in the best possible shape for the birth, and I also just want to feel a little better about myself.

I am a little nervous about how to approach the subject because I don't want her to think that I actually want to LOSE WEIGHT or crash diet. I am more sensible than that. I want a healthy baby, obviously, but I also want to feel healthy.
I'm so glad you posted this moss...

I've always fluctuated between a size 10, 12, 14 throughout the last few years. I'm a healthy size 12 now and although I am completely fine with putting on weight during pregnancy, I'd like to keep it steady so I don't have too much to lose while baby is here.

I'm just eating so much crap - got no willpower!! xx
God!! I know how you feel! It's all just appeared from no where, but tbh I think it is supposed to and I'm not sure much can be done about it until after the birth. :think:
I might be wrong and if you find out the answer let me know! :D
I get so much exercise! I walk to and from uni at least once a day, so that is two miles, I walk up six flights of stairs to work when I don't feel lightheaded, and I dance around the house a lot... I just have not been able to drop this fat around my middle since it appeared a few years ago. Apparently it has to do with my PCOs... I even had a personal trainer for a year and it mostly stayed. :/ It looks ridiculous because the rest of me is pretty small- my wrists are tiny! I want to talk to my midwife about it but I don't really know her yet and I don't want her to take it the wrong way.

By the way, I am a size 8 or 10 on top and trousers are 12-14, but in some shops are 16 or 18, to give you an idea of my proportions. This is pre-pregnancy... I can't even buy trousers in H&M because regular sizes are too small and plus sizes are too big.
I've just googled this and apparently we collect fat around our tummies to keep LO warm!

Might have to put up with it until baby arrives :(

I'm not sure we can really do anything to lose the fat. I've been trying to keep moderately active and I go to the gym a few times a week to lift weights. I don't lift the same as I did pre-pregnancy though, but I do enough to keep the muscles toned.
moss said:
By the way, I am a size 8 or 10 on top and trousers are 12-14, but in some shops are 16 or 18, to give you an idea of my proportions. This is pre-pregnancy... I can't even buy trousers in H&M because regular sizes are too small and plus sizes are too big.

I know what you mean Moss. I have pcos also and a size 14 legs and top half but my belly is mostly comfortable in an 18. I've now noticed a fatty layer covering on my already large bump so feeling huge.
There isn't anything specific you can do to lose fat from certain places but excercise is good, swimming especially as the water takes the weight of the baby and so it's good to do even as you grow huge!
That way you're muscles will be toned and will help your belly spring back after labour.

Also, if you breastfeed you burn more calories and your tummy shrinks quicker so that's something to consider!
dannii87 said:
I've just googled this and apparently we collect fat around our tummies to keep LO warm!

Might have to put up with it until baby arrives :(


:D Yay! That post has made me so happy! I'm terrible with weight I put it on and lose it and put it on and lose it again! But just the thought of a little baby getting all snuggley and comfy because I have grow it a mini sleeping bag has made me all happy! I wanna look like a Michelin man if it means Pips all cuddley and warm!!!! :D :D :D
Sorry to say ladies, but you do actually store more body fat when pregnant. Your body saves it specifically to convert into milk when baby is born, and as such, if you breastfeed you will see and feel it coming off quite quickly. There's not a lot to do about it, just be sensible and don't go too mad on the bad stuff! x

If you find the answer let us know!!!

I've been eating more this time around and have gained more weight!! I don't want to actively diet, just prevent myself from putting any more on but as someone else said, willpower is a big problem!!!

I'm not sure about the breast feeding bit. I think it does take the weight off a lot of women but it didn't really work for me - had to eat like a horse to make the milk - the weight came off a bit after the birth but I remained at least half a stone above my pre-pg weight until I stopped feeding both times. A nurse once told me I probably couldn't lose that last half stone because the body retaines more fat when breast feeding! I'm going to do it again though - it is excellent being able to eat cakes everyday and cream on porridge every morning for breakfast!!! Makes the cracked nipples worth it!!!

I would say do some gentle exercise and try not to put too much weight on for the rest of your pg, but if you find out any more info do let us know!

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