Hypnobirthing CDs and 'birth' music


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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My SIL lent me her hypnobirth cd and relaxing birthing music cd, but omg I want to kill the paronising American woman on the cd after one listen! :wall2: Does anyone know which cd I could try with a British accent? I really like the idea of hypnobirthing but I'm one of those people who giggles in yoga classes etc so starting to wonder if I have the right mind set for this relaxing type stuff!

The 'birth' music was terrible, as a metal head I think I may struggle with 'relaxing' music, maybe Marilyn Manson will get me through, plenty of swearing anyway! :shock: Any ideas out there or should I bin the who idea now?
you could always go on amazon and I think you can listen to samples on there. I had a book and a cd and gave up to be honest...... I might try it for this one though and see if it works... I think mine is english if I find it I will pm you what its called x
Thanks, Ill see if I can listen to samples before I buy!
I've got a Natal Hypnotherapy one which is an English woman doing the hypnosis. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Effective-B...0502/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1313757897&sr=8-1 She does say one thing which annoys me though and I know when it's coming up and get all annoyed with her before she even says it. :roll:

Not sure about what the music is like on the 'relaxing birth music' cd but all that plinky plonky stuff drives me up the wall.
I used just gas and air with Adam and would like to try using nothing this time, do you think hypnobirthing would help? (sorry for hyjacking your thread Sarah) x x

I am starting hypno birthing classes so when I get the cds if they have an english accent I will pass on the details - M2A it woud def help if you read some of the birth stories on gentle birth you will see most of those women used no pain relief - I am hoping for just gas and air myself
Thanks jensbump.
M2a I've heard it's supposed to be really good as most pain can be controlled in the mind, think it's good to relax and let your body do what it's designed to do. Lots of women stress and panic in labour which can cause a lot of problems so I think if your minds in the right place and your not scared it's got to help! I think it's worth a try, esp as I'm planning a home birth and don't want anything that might make me vomit!
I think I'm the same as you sarah, I always start laughing etc when I'm supposed to be relaxing! Also, I get a bit freaked out at hearing talking, if that makes sense. I'm fine if it's the TV or the radio on, but if it's talking then it freaks me out! I can't even listen to Everyone's Free to Wear Suncreen by Baz Luhrmann because it starts freaking me out!

I don't think I'm a good candidate for hypnobirthing... I'm scared really because I want to give birth at the birthing centre near my house, not at the hospital, so no epidural... And I'm stressing that the gas and air will make me sick, so I'm really hoping that my pain threshold becomes higher before my due date! I stubbed my toe the other day and thought "oh no, how am I ever going to push a baby out!!!"

Just had a look on itunes as id be more comfortable listening to it through earphones rather than out loud, id be more focused and come across a Katharine Grives one, which sounds really good (from a couple of seconds clip) and its only £7.99. Has anyone tried this one or know anyone that has? x x

I've got the English version of the Maggie Howell hypnobirthing cd's. Got them on ebay for less than half the price of the website. Much cheaper than doing a course. The woman's voice is a bit annoying but I am managing to do the relaxation one twice a week at the mo and it has actually sent me off to sleep a couple of times! The next one I have to listen to from 32 weeks (it's a preparation for birth cd). There's a 3rd cd of 'relaxing birth music' which I haven't listened to yet but it's supposed to be similar to the background music of the others so that it helps you remember all the key thoughts from the hypnotherapy. The last cd is fast postnatal recovery- again, not listened to yet!......I am prepared to give it a good go as I can be very anxious and I think so far it is helping me to stay calmer. Agree that it must be hard if you find the voices or music annoying but personally I am finding it helpful (the British version anyhow!). CD's might be worth a go M2A if you wanna go without pain relief but can't afford to go on a course? xxx
With the Maggie Howell ones you can also chose the preparation for birth cd that fits with your anticipated type of birth e.g. home birth, hospital birth etc.
Not heard of the Katherine Grives one, but if you like the sound of it on itunes and it's only £7.99 give it a whirl!xx
Might see if i can find some reviews on the internet and if they are good i might give it a go x x

It's the Maggie Howell one I'd been looking at before SIL gave me this one, might see if I can get it cheap on eBay!
I think it's about £45 plus p&p for the 4 cd's on the official website, but I got it for about £20 on ebay- you could prob get it cheaper if u hold your nerve in the auction! lol!xxx
I'm currently reading the Mongan Method hypnobirthing book. It has a cd with it but not listened to it yet (think its an american voice) Quite an interesting read though.
I think it's about £45 plus p&p for the 4 cd's on the official website, but I got it for about £20 on ebay- you could prob get it cheaper if u hold your nerve in the auction! lol!xxx

Yeah it's quite expensive so I'm bidding on eBay just now, keep getting outbid though!
I downloaded it and all i can say is wow, if its not going to help me during labour it will help me sleep better, I had the best nights sleep in a long time, i feel asleep listening to it i was that relaxed and even when i got up for the loo instead of tossing and turning i went straight back to sleep!
Well worth listening to it before bed if your having trouble sleeping! x x

That sounds good m2a! I seem to spend half the night tossing and turning to get comfy!

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