Hypermesis gravidarium


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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Hi girls, havebt been checking in for a little while, I've had really bad morning sickness.. Well that's what I thought. I thought I was just being a wimp and couldn't cope but other night (wed) I couldn't keep any liquids down. Food hasn't been a good friend of mine for a few weeks now but liquids where constantly coming up. All through the night I couldn't sleep just constantly sick. I was so weak and still trying to be sick even tho nothing was left to bring up. I called my midwife in morning & she said if i couldnt suck ice cubes n keep them down id need to go on a drip in hosp.. She said give it a couple hours. By about 2:30 Thursday my mum n partner had enough & rang hosp, they asked me to come in, put me on a drip & tested my urine. They found 4 key tones in my urine which is maximum amount you can find and said I had hypermesis gravidarium which is like 0.5 chance you can get it in pregnancy and it's something that sticks with you till about 5 months & unfortunately probably will mean I'll be back in hospital to do same all over again. Just wanted to let you know Incase some of you are really struggling like I was, I had only been working a maximum of 6 hours a day but that wednesday worked 9, so really took it out of me which couldn't have helped. I came out of hosp Friday evening as my key tones finally got to 0 and I was keeping liquids down, they had told me I'd be in for a couple of days but luckily I got out early. They monitored what I ate & finally let me out. I feel better but still not great. Just want this pregnancy to hurry up!
Deffo recommend keeping an eye on urine and liquid levels if your feeling like I was.
Hope no one else goes through this though, my body is so tired now! X
Crikey it really sounds like you've been in ther wars. Glad you are feelign better now - lets hope it stays that way, but at least you now know what to do if you start getting bad again. Good of you to put this on here though in case anyone else see's it and realises it not just really bad morning sickness.
Poor you, you have my sympathy must have been horrible. There's a few ladies on here that have been through the same as you, and even though i only had really bad morning sickness it can make life hard and miserable, I only managed to get to my pre pregnancy weight 2 weeks ago so it must be so hard for you girls with HG who suffer longer than just tri 1. Hope you stay well x
oh hon I really feel for you, I suffered with HG and was hospitalised on a drip like you, it was a nightmare :-( it does get better though so dont despair! I think I was about 24 weeks when I finally felt normal but I did feel normal and I honestly never thought I would!!! I had to be signed off work for first 4 months cos it does knock you for 6 doesnt it! Just dont push it, if you cant work, get out of bed, clean the house, prepare food etc then dont do it! best thing is just rest and keep trying with fluids and food no matter how many times it comes back up!!!! ready brek is a nice easy food to have when its bad!!
I will say that I had a lovely couple of months since I hit 24 weeks with no nausea, no sickness and being able to eat what I wanted and I actually enjoyed being pregnant, so you do have something to look forward to! but then in the last 2 weeks its come back abit not half as bad as before mind but some nausea and some sickness (and a frightening episode of vomiting blood on Friday), so I am kind of resigned to having it to the end (only 4 more weeks tho so I can cope!!!)
Hope you start to feel better soon, and you can always PM me if you want and I'll pass on any advice or tips from what I went through if it would help.
Oh no, that sounds horrible :( hope you feel a bit better now! :hugs: xxxx
I really wish I could have time off work, I've been off since Thursday obviously being in hospital but I have to go back tomoZ, doing 4-6 hours only tho but my wage pays for food, so if I don't go to work then we don't eat, although we don't need much cause I'm eating baby size portions! But then again it costs more cause if I fancy something he has to go out & get it cause if he doesn't I won't fancy anything else and not eat :/ but there's times I don't fancy it by the time he's home! :/ really liking cool doritoes atm tho. X

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