Hi girls, havebt been checking in for a little while, I've had really bad morning sickness.. Well that's what I thought. I thought I was just being a wimp and couldn't cope but other night (wed) I couldn't keep any liquids down. Food hasn't been a good friend of mine for a few weeks now but liquids where constantly coming up. All through the night I couldn't sleep just constantly sick. I was so weak and still trying to be sick even tho nothing was left to bring up. I called my midwife in morning & she said if i couldnt suck ice cubes n keep them down id need to go on a drip in hosp.. She said give it a couple hours. By about 2:30 Thursday my mum n partner had enough & rang hosp, they asked me to come in, put me on a drip & tested my urine. They found 4 key tones in my urine which is maximum amount you can find and said I had hypermesis gravidarium which is like 0.5 chance you can get it in pregnancy and it's something that sticks with you till about 5 months & unfortunately probably will mean I'll be back in hospital to do same all over again. Just wanted to let you know Incase some of you are really struggling like I was, I had only been working a maximum of 6 hours a day but that wednesday worked 9, so really took it out of me which couldn't have helped. I came out of hosp Friday evening as my key tones finally got to 0 and I was keeping liquids down, they had told me I'd be in for a couple of days but luckily I got out early. They monitored what I ate & finally let me out. I feel better but still not great. Just want this pregnancy to hurry up!
Deffo recommend keeping an eye on urine and liquid levels if your feeling like I was.
Hope no one else goes through this though, my body is so tired now! X
Deffo recommend keeping an eye on urine and liquid levels if your feeling like I was.
Hope no one else goes through this though, my body is so tired now! X