Hyperemesis Gravidarum Sufferers :(


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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Just a few quick questions to all the ladies who had suffered from hyperemesis gravidarum (extreme nausea and vomiting) in there pregnancy.

1. Were u signed off work or able to still go in? I've been off for 3 weeks so far and been given another month off, just wondered how u coped with returning back to work.

2. How long did the sickness last for? I'm only 10 weeks now and I know 12 weeks is usually the time where everyone starts to feel more normal, but wondered if it was different for the extreme sickness.

3. follow on from 2, when did it ease up, so u had more good days than bad? I'm guessing this would be earlier than it stopping completely, but I would like to know when I can expect more normal days than crappy ones.

I know everyone is different as to when they get bette from this, if it even eases up. But it would be nice to have some dates to kinda of look forward to and hope that I'm feeling normal again. xxx
Hi hon, I suffered with this with ds1 so I feel ur pain. I had 7 weeks off I think and iT fared easing off a little from about 20 weeks and went away at about 23 - hope urs goes sooner x x
hiya when i was pg with my ds i worked full time and was signed off quite a bit on and off during the first 18 or so weeks it got slightly better then went away about24/26 weeks this time round i was only working part time 12-4 so was able to manage work a lot better i tried everything to help tablets. sea bands all the old wives tales but the only thing that has helped is ice and ice poles, i still suffer on and off now but have learn't what i can and can't eat so its nowhere near as bad! fingers crossed you feel better soon xxx
i had this with my son,i was diagnosed at 10 weeks with it, i didnt have any time off though, mymidwife just sent me to the hospital to have an anti sickness injection which worked really well, i then managed to get some antisickness tablets from the same department, once having all that my sickness died down to just normal morning sickness but i was still ill upto almost 30wks xx
I suffered up untill the last week, but had started to get a little better in the 2 weeks up till then, I did continue to go to work as It was such a busy time I didnt have much choice, Had a few days off here and there but just couldnt take any more, It did mean running out to be sick every hour So I tried to stay at my desk and get other people to go get me files ext as movement made me need to voimt

miles better now only getting sick first thing in the morning and maybe once in the evening

I was given meds for the sickness when i was being sick 10 times a day but had a reaction to them so just stuck it out till i started to pick up

Hope you feeling better soon hunnie xxx
I had extreme nausea so barely ate or even moved off the sofa until 10 weeks when things began to improve slowly by 16 weeks I felt great but had lost a stone and half, still not put it back on so 10 weeks of feeling like death did have a plus side! Ive got a phobia of vomit so i think the anxiety was as bad as nausea for me, I did everything possible not to be sick which meant i barely ate so would dry retch. The doc gave me some medication but it didn't really work so I didn't take it as I was also worried about baby. I was working for myself from home so I didn't need to be signed off but I did even struggle to do much then. You have my total sympathy I really hope it passes soon, the placenta takes over from 12 weeks and that can be a time it improves but like you say we're all different and some people get it worse than too x
I still have this :( It started to ease a bit at 19 weeks but im still sick everyday! Everyone is different. I was being sick literally every half an hour. I couldn't eat or drink it was very depressing and I ended up in hospital for a few days as I got extremely dehydrated. I am able to eat and drink a bit better now but unfortunately still throwing up!

Hope it doesn't last too long for you
Gosh, some of u ladies have had it pretty rough.

I have no idea how some of u managed to stay in work and being sick so often, how horrible.

Sarah I have lost around 1 and a half stone already, but then at a size 18 I have plenty of stores!

I am on some anti sickness tablets and they do stop me being sick constantly, but I still have my bad days on them where I am sick 5-6 times a day, but luckily I have some days where I'm not sick at all, just nauseous. I was close to being admitted to hospital a couple of weeks ago, but have managed to keep myself hydrated just enough to not need that yet!

Thank u for sharing ur experiences xxx
I didn't have this, but my close friend did for all 9 months to the point where she had to go to the hospital for IV twice because she couldn't even keep water down. She did take extra days off work but not a tonne. After meeting her baby, i am convinced that the more difficult your pregnancy, the easier your baby is. She is the cutest most content baby ever! So smiley and easy going. I hope you feel better! Xx
I didn't have this, but my close friend did for all 9 months to the point where she had to go to the hospital for IV twice because she couldn't even keep water down. She did take extra days off work but not a tonne. After meeting her baby, i am convinced that the more difficult your pregnancy, the easier your baby is. She is the cutest most content baby ever! So smiley and easy going. I hope you feel better! Xx

try telling that to my 7 wk old son lmao, after possible mc, then hyperemesis, admitted for high pulse, low iron, admitted for signs of preterm labour, elective c-section due to a primary outbreak of a serious infection at 36weeks. he now is lactose intolerant and has reflux so if he doesnt have soya milk and gaviscon its not stop screaming - mind you thinking about it now he is male so that maybe the case hehe
i suffered with this my last 2 pregs and ive just found out im preg again and im so scared i dont want the severe sickness this pregnancy :( x
I started with HG at about 2 weeks and have had it ever since, i was signed off work for 13 weeks with it, i had medication which didnt help, it eventually got so bad i was hospitalised after becoming dangerously dehydrated, and loosing 2 stone, i had to have antisickness injections.... After that they changed my meds, i still feel sick every day, and am sick a few times a week but been back at work 4 weeks now and am alot better than i was, but if i forget my medication i know about it!!!
Hope your ok and feeling better soon girls, its really not nice xxx
I've suffered terrible with sickness. It's the only thing that's been bad to be honest. It started at 9 weeks and got very bad that I got signed off work for 6 weeks :( found that hard. It eased very slightly at 16-17 weeks then came back :( I'm 24 weeks now and this last week been sick for one day! That's a huge step up for me!
I can't work due to disabilities anyway but from week 7 I was that bad I ended up in hospital a few times on 2 drips, numoures anti sickness jabs in my butt (which never worked). In end they said nothing is going to stop me been sick just rest and keep drinking as will be need to go back in and stay in form months otherwise.

Thankfully by 10 weeks I could keep fluids only down. But still couldn't move far from bed/loo. I still suffer now but thankfully it started to ease at 19 weeks.

I've lost over a stone in weight and still can't eat properly or full meals. At least it's mostly sever nausea now and only throw up once a week instead of most of the day.
That's mad I'm the opposite I can keep food down but struggle with fluids! I just kept drinking anyway just to get something in!
Just have to keep trying hun and eventually something will stay down.
I have it too, its not a nice thing i no but will all be worth it in the end, im 17+4 n still off work , its easing abit now i think as before i just lay in a heap n had to go in for iv fluids, glucose n meds. Ive got some presciption drinks n theyve helped but also ice pops do, and sucking sugary boiled sweets when i get a good patch. The hospital also adviced lucazade, anything to get ya streght up.. I hope it eases soon for ya, they usually say ot eases off
Somewhere in tri 2 xxx

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