hyper nesting !


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2010
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well i really thought id done most of my nesting but OMG last night about 9ish im flopped on sofa and started thinking about bathroom floor and ten mins later im on hands and knees scrubbing it i ended up doing half the flat then i couldnt sleep at all and now half way thru scrubbing out all the cuboards:shock: i cant stop if i do i start feeling stressed it not done! hows the rest of you doing maic cleaning/nesting or resting:nap:?
I saw your fb status earlier and was wishing I was like that!! I really can't be bothered with housework atm. I keep looking at stuff that needs doing and thinking I'll do it later!! I think tims nesting for me instead cos he went overboard with the house at the weekend!! Pass me some nesting vibes please :D
I seem to have manic nesting sessions between 7 and 10am then lose the urge! Lol!

Sounds like you could be getting ready!
OH MY Lisa.. i cant be arsed! i keep it tidy but i dont really clean clean..

I think as its a small 1 bed flat and its so much stuff in here at the moment, i got a spare bed in the lounge(not really in the lounge its in the same room but not accually in the lounge) and its covered with all of Noas things as i got no where to put it. As we are gonna move its no point setting anything up so its all still in boxes and bags.
Also OHs things is in bags and boxes everywhere.. its mental in here.. I dont feel i want to scrub everything that i have to do again before we move out.. is that bad? :(
i rearranged all my kitchen cupboards, and cleaned them, along with the downstairs windows. I keep seeing things i want to do, and my husband tells me off! Hes worried I'll bump my BP back up but i really *need* to nest!!

My husband washed and scrubbed the decking yesterday, that was his nesting! lol It was covered in chicken and duck poop yuck!!
yep im nesting alot.. but ive also got some sort of OCD.. all i keep thinking about is dust.. im scared its gonna effect the babies clean things.. my OH keeps telling me im crazy and need to calm down..

my mums told me if i keep cleaning and been to over the top ill make me and baby ill.. x
well kitchen pretty much done thrown out 4binliners of rubbish and done a bottle of flash lols im usually sooooooo lazy this is odd fingers crossed it leads to something!!
I had my crazy 2 days cleaning upstairs last week. All my windows, curtains, bedding, skirting, doors, cupboards etc all had a good clean.

Want to sort down here out but we still need to decorate so pointless. Just gotta polish and Hoover and wash the floors down here and it's just keep on top of it all then!
im quite enjoying this nesting thing, i was up til about 11 last night just putting stuff away etc, mainly baby clothes as i have washed and got pretty much everything i need for my new arrival, and have sorted all my drawers out, hung all baby coats up with my stuff (looks so cute) and got my tortoise a new house so he can move downstairs making room for my cot :) cant wait to put that up! :D x

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