

Well-Known Member
May 22, 2010
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lol, I don't think I was actually nesting, more that I explained what nesting was to my boyfriend today, so it was in my head.
But anyway, today, we went to tesco, then Homebase, then came home. My boyfriend was starting to clean the kitchen and I told him not to worry, that I would do it. Well, I was up on the surfaces, cleaning all the cupboards, scrubbing the walls, the tiles, did the dishes, cleaned the oven etc.
Then went in the bathroom to help him paint it. Was crawling under the sink etc. He's just gone to put down new lino tiles in the bathoom, and I cant wait fpor him to finish as I then want to crawl along the floor cleaning the skirting in there (For some reason does look quite grimy.)
Anyone think this might be nesting? I wish it was! At the same time I'm only 35 weeks tomorrow. Off on a tangent, if I did go into labour in the next week, though it's early, it would be okay at this stage wouldn't it?
Wow this was longer than I thought!
I'm paying for it now. Period pains just kicked in again, hips feel like they are being pushed down rather than out....
ON THE PLUS!!! I'm feeling a lot of uncomfortable movements right under my right ribs... which I don't normally feel... could it be the little one has flipped and these are feet!?!?!
Sounds like nesting to me - and yes could well be feet lets hope so x
Tell me about it!Got my next appointment this wed so hoping it will be more positive than they have been!
sounds like nesting, I did the exact same thing on friday, just went to wipe down the kitchen surfaces. I ended up cleaning out the fridge, taking out all the shelves and sterilising them, then I sterilised the bin and cleaned the cupboard doors. An hour later I realised I was only gonna pop in to do it during the advert break on tv!!
I still haven't really had any nesting instinct at all, I was hoping it might kick in just to give me a surge of energy but at the moment I just feel too big and tired to do anything other than the day to day stuff! Even that knackers me out!
I get little digs in my ribs and it is definately Ava's feet, you can feel the outline at time :cloud9:

Im a little jealous of people who seem to be nesting, i think i'm just too lazy :lol:

I can think of loads of pointless cleaning i want doing but end up making Jay do it as i'm too tired or feel as if my baby belly is weighing me down!

i hope i go into a crazy nesting mode before baby comes out to make up for it! :lol:
oh yeah Im nesting a LOT more in my head. I sit there thinking, ooh I could sort this, and clean the skirting board, and then I just dont have the energy. When I had my little burst the other day I spent an hour cleaning and 3 hours recovering!!!
Lol, yeah, the nesting (if thats what I was doing) died out last night....
Way too much info, but had bad diarrhoea all day until few hours ago... hoping its not actually my body prepping for labour. At least another week hopefully!?
And I am so baffled as to what I am feeling and where!?!

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