Nesting again


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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Wasnt on much yest because I decided yet again to paint :roll:

Painted the kitchen and bathroom. Have to say the bathrooms looking pretty swish now lol, my poor ankles are killing me today though. Stupid nesting, was even on my hands and kness scrubbing the floors (thats because I got paint everywhere, but not going to mention that lol)

Zacks asking for me to paint his bedroom now :shock: Not on your nelly, im going to sit in my PJs all day then go to see the stupid midwife at 3.00pm for the second time throughout my pregnancy :x

Just thought id share that with you all lol :hug: xx
thank you for sharing miss violet glow. It will gladden my heart when I go to my shabby bathroom to think of yours freshly painted.
Took my 3 hours lmao was sat of the floor for most of it moaning at my OH because he made me paint all the hard bits :rotfl:
I really want my bathroom painted, its a scabby grey/green colour. The smell of paint makes me feel really sick since I got preg though so I have to add it to DH's list :lol:
aww bless ya violet!

at the mo ive just got the packing bug!
i paint on friday and put my laminates down next wednesday :dance:

i went crazy in the front room.. alot of old furniture going out..

alot of old clothes... lol

ooooooh i cant wait :dance:
im glad its not just me, i dont seem to be seeing my midwife al that much...

ive seen ehr once since booking in and thats coz i was worried coz i was so faint, besides that she said i dont nede to see her til after my anomaly scan
I too have been painting...I got my sister to help me cos I've got a trapped nerve in my leg/back so she got roped into helping me but I've done my bedroom and my hallway. My brother came over and painted my stairs and kitchen... :lol: Its great nearly everywhere feels all refreshed...I've also scrubbed all the skirting boards in every room...I want to paint my bathroom now but have to wait cos my brother is coming to put my shower in and tile the bathroom so have to wait til he's done that before I paint...hopefully he'll have it finished by next week...then I can get on with the painting.... :dance: I love decorating I find it very theraputic.... :cheer:
Im emptying all my kitchen ready for new flooring,and i hope next week it will be laminet in the living room, but OH wont let me do it as I gave up waiting for him to put patio down so I did it myself! lol its fine to walk on after a few drinks but we do have to cut the grass on it every few weeks opps :oops: :doh:
We have been decorating too,just finished my bedroom now got the bathroom to do :cheer: xx
see I told the OH it isnt just me whos got the nesting bug.

He didnt believe me **shows OH the thread and says Nur Nur Nur ..Nur Nur** lol
I think ive caught the bug too, I only done my room out last week but have just removed everything including beds (well mattresses...we're not sleeping on a bed at the moment) out of my room and cleaned it out, dusted and hoovered all over even in the lil corners then re-arranged everything so it looks lovely, clean & tidy again :roll: give me a few more days and i'll be at it again lol

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