lil miss has been diagnosed with reflux but the doc won't do anything for her until she gets to 6 months or she has a weight loss, but she just constantly feeds so she never looses any weight. I think if she was bottle fed we would have had problems, but because she is a booby baby fed on demand, I just keep popping the boob back in her head. Some days she'll be sick while I am feeding her but she'll just swallow it all

... tbh I can't see her growing out of this anytime soon.. its been really bad the past few days.... she just pukes and feeds and pukes and feeds and pukes and feeds.... I can't let anyone else hold her because she will just puke on them... she puked in the middle of the shopping centre the other day all over the floor it was so embarressing... people must think she's sick!!!
Some days she pukes soooo much I honestly think she must have a stomach bug because she is just so sick...but she has no temp and she seems very happy in herself...
Tbh solids didn't help as much as the doctor said they would...and I am at a complete loss as to what I can do. And now we have to avoid orange/green foods so that she doesn't stain her clothes and everyone elses.
Lil miss just pukes...she usually feeds in the cradle position, I sit her up and it just seems to explode from her sit her up she pukes, you lie her down she pukes... She is changed from 3 to 6 times a day, I change my clothes up to 3 times a day, but tbh a lot of time I'll only change her IF she actually soaks her clothes through, its that bad...
The coughing and sneezing and hiccuuping thats all normal... happens every day several times a day and the only time she really has a break is if she has just eaten a solid meal... the solids do seem to help her a bit in that sense...they don't come up as easily...but they do come up...
Tbh I'm at my wits end with it all... thing is she is growing well, happy in herself.... far outreaching her age no doctor will look at her because its not actually doing any damage other than irritating her (she gets really troubled by the hiccups) and being an inconvenience for me with regards to laundry...
I feel really sorry for her...