HV thinks Evie has reflux :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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I thought she was just sicky- she does bring up a lot of milk after her bottles but she's still gaining- she was 6lb 6oz at birth and at 7weeks+1 she weighed in at 9lb 5oz :lol:

The HV wants me to take her to the GP because she thinks it's reflux. :? Evie doesn't seem too bothered by the posseting- she just brings it up with hiccups or little coughs/sneezes.

I now there's a reflux support thread^^^^^ but I just wanted to get a brief run down of what reflux is because I'm not sure she's got it- she's not in any pain or losing weight so I don't know how it differs from 'normal' posseting :think:

Jade x
connor's reflux started as just being sick a lot. but gradually it got worse so that he was obviously in discomfort after feeding; he'd cough and clear his throat, then he started to arch his back after feeding and cry a bit too. his weight gain has been really good for the last 2 months - on average about 7oz a week - but he does feed A LOT and i guess that's because he's puking so much back up.

he's been on gaviscon for a few weeks now and i have varied the dosage according to how bad he's been.

i think its probably up to you as to whether you go to your GP or not. it seems that some people have a problem getting gaviscon prescribed for their LO's anyway (i didn't have any probs though). if evie isn't in any discomfort and you're both happy with the way things are going, then i don't see why you shouldn't just carry on as you are?

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hiya, saw your post and thought I'd reply.
I had my son 6 weeks early and because of this he had to be tube fed for a little while. I thought he was always just a sicky baby.. he had to constantly wear a bib due to him being sick alot. He never really seemed bothered till about 3 months when he just refused bottles. All docs, hv told me it was colic.. but he actually had reflux and started to realise that it was the milk that was making him sick and refused. We had such a struggle trying to feed him, most feeds took an hour and a half to get some milk down him.
Anyway, i eventually found out when he was four months that he had reflux and got referred to a peadiatrician. He had medication to help, but because we hadn't known for so long, he had to get out of the habit that it wasnt gonna hurt him. It only really got better after about 10 months.
I'd say really get it checked out, we struggled for so long and the longer you leave it, the worse it gets.
Oh and reflux is where the tube in their stomach hasn't developed properly yet and is allowing stomach acids to come up and burn their throats. Hence why they sick up alot.
Sorry for the long post, but just thought I'd share my experience with you and hope it helps. xx
Evie and Connie are clearly leading parallel lives. She's just been diagnosed with it too :cry:

Basically she eats fine and is gaining weight but she'll get mardy after her first set of burps and then she tends to be sick quite a bit (but out of the corner of her mouth rather than projectile) and that makes her really uncomfortable.

Things that work for us include making sure she's winded properly and gripe water.
I think my lo was diagnosed witrh reflux at around 7 weeks old. I never thought that there was a problem until it became very bad that I took him to hospital. I was surprised to be told it was reflux as our wee man never lost any weight at all. x
HV thought Phoebe had reflux too. Not sure if she does or not?! Her milk is now thicker so doesn't tend to come back up as much (cos she's on the Easy Digest stuff).

Phoebe is mainly sick when we lay her down, even a few hours after. Dunno if it has helped or not, but HV told us to raise one end of her cot / mattress. I think you said Evie is in her cot now? If so you can get things called cot blocks to do exactly that from Mothercare. This might not be a problem for you tho.

Personally, if Evie is fine in herself, and is gaining weight I'd hold off on taking her just yet. If on the other hand she is uncomfortable, I'd get her checked out :hug: :hug:
laracomps said:
Phoebe is mainly sick when we lay her down, even a few hours after. Dunno if it has helped or not, but HV told us to raise one end of her cot / mattress. I think you said Evie is in her cot now? If so you can get things called cot blocks to do exactly that from Mothercare. This might not be a problem for you tho.

This is exactly what happens to Flod :cry:

The Moses basket was raised at one end and it made no difference. Curiously when she's in her cot at night there is no reflux and no sick. Even if I can't get the last bit of wind up she's fine. But during the day it is HELL! Why oh why?!

Sorry Jade, didn't mean to hijack... :oops:
debecca said:
laracomps said:
Phoebe is mainly sick when we lay her down, even a few hours after. Dunno if it has helped or not, but HV told us to raise one end of her cot / mattress. I think you said Evie is in her cot now? If so you can get things called cot blocks to do exactly that from Mothercare. This might not be a problem for you tho.

This is exactly what happens to Flod :cry:

The Moses basket was raised at one end and it made no difference. Curiously when she's in her cot at night there is no reflux and no sick. Even if I can't get the last bit of wind up she's fine. But during the day it is HELL! Why oh why?!

Sorry Jade, didn't mean to hijack... :oops:

Maybe Phoebe does have it afterall? And funny you should say that, Phoebe is fine during the night as well. hmmmmmmmmmm curiouser and curiouser!

It doesn't seem to bother her too much, I just make sure I'm around when she's laid down, it normally comes out when I'm changing her, whilst she's peeing everywhere!!!! :rotfl:

Its not too nice when it all comes out of her nose and she chokes a bit on it mind you.

I guess it'll get better as they get older. :hug:

Did the Doc give you gaviscon? I heard its quite high in salt content, I'd rather not give it to Phoebs if she's ok with out it you know?

PS sorry too jade :oops:
lil miss has been diagnosed with reflux but the doc won't do anything for her until she gets to 6 months or she has a weight loss, but she just constantly feeds so she never looses any weight. I think if she was bottle fed we would have had problems, but because she is a booby baby fed on demand, I just keep popping the boob back in her head. Some days she'll be sick while I am feeding her but she'll just swallow it all :puke:... tbh I can't see her growing out of this anytime soon.. its been really bad the past few days.... she just pukes and feeds and pukes and feeds and pukes and feeds.... I can't let anyone else hold her because she will just puke on them... she puked in the middle of the shopping centre the other day all over the floor it was so embarressing... people must think she's sick!!!

Some days she pukes soooo much I honestly think she must have a stomach bug because she is just so sick...but she has no temp and she seems very happy in herself...

Tbh solids didn't help as much as the doctor said they would...and I am at a complete loss as to what I can do. And now we have to avoid orange/green foods so that she doesn't stain her clothes and everyone elses.

Lil miss just pukes...she usually feeds in the cradle position, I sit her up and it just seems to explode from her mouth...you sit her up she pukes, you lie her down she pukes... She is changed from 3 to 6 times a day, I change my clothes up to 3 times a day, but tbh a lot of time I'll only change her IF she actually soaks her clothes through, its that bad...

The coughing and sneezing and hiccuuping thats all normal... happens every day several times a day and the only time she really has a break is if she has just eaten a solid meal... the solids do seem to help her a bit in that sense...they don't come up as easily...but they do come up...

Tbh I'm at my wits end with it all... thing is she is growing well, happy in herself.... far outreaching her age goals...so no doctor will look at her because its not actually doing any damage other than irritating her (she gets really troubled by the hiccups) and being an inconvenience for me with regards to laundry...

I feel really sorry for her... :cry:
:lol: Thanks Girls- Bex, it's so funny that Connie nd Evie keep having the same little niggles at the same time!

Evie is fine at night too- it's just in the day. I am going to have her weighed in a week or so and if she's not gaining as much; or if she seems uncomfy we'll take her to the GP

:hug: you lot are great!
summer has been projectile sick on and off since birth, ive told midwifes, health visitors, gp, even a consultant at the hosp and they dont wanna know

summer lost weight then gained and has now stayed at just under 8lb (she is 3wks old)

she doesnt seem herself yesterday/today and has been sick all night, she is pale all over as well, the health visitor has just been and she has got her a docs appt for this afternoon, im really praying they do something for poor summer :pray:

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