Huge biffa baby


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
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I think you may be seeing me on the news alongside the 17lb Lithuanian baby mother..... :shock:

Had my hospital anti d / 28 week check on weds, all was fine, she was very good with me as i hate needles (had it in my arse again)...

Then she measured me and we are 2 squares above the top line!!! i'm measuring 31 weeks!!!! Then my husband proceeded to make his own graph..... if it keeps up that growth and it looks like i'm going to have an 11.5 llb bub!! aaaggghhhh :rotfl: :rotfl:

OMG somebody please tell me they've been the same and then had a nice 6/7/8 lber????? :pray:

On the plus scan if i'm still measuring large in 2 weeks i get a growth scan...thats got to be more accurate????
:hug: :hug:
I wouldn't worry the fundal height thing really isn't accurate
I'm measuring 29 weeks at the moment, but at my 4d scan last week they said that baby is bang on average size and predicted a birth weight of 7.5lbs. The fundal measurement is very inaccurate :D graet grandmother had a 13lb 6oz 1st baby and went on to have 7 more normal size babies....she was tiny.. :shock: :shock: :shock:

Another friend had a 7lb then her next was 10lb 4oz and she said he was easier to deliver :shock: :shock: :shock:
Go figure :rotfl:
when i had hannah i was 35+5 and i was measureing 51 weeks lol and she was 10lb 4oz, i was always between 7 and 10 weeks in front from 20 weeks
when i had hannah i was 35+5 and i was measureing 51 weeks lol and she was 10lb 4oz, i was always between 7 and 10 weeks in front from 20 weeks

Wow! Thanks, feel better colleagues are taking the p***, apparently its going round school that i will be giving birth to a rhino!!!
lool fat babys are everywere :rotfl:

the fundal hieght thing is rubbish lool

tameron was 6lb at my 32week growth scan well 1oz under lool
but i was measuring weeks ahead on fundal hieght.
the scan is more accutrate but not 100% :D
i have one last scan on the 4th of feb then going straight to the consultant after and i will find out then all depends on his growth rate and if hes still growing at the same rate. if he is then i hopefully will get an induction date there and then :D

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