Huge argument massive stress scared I've harmed my baby


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2015
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Hey ladies, says it in the title really. Me and oh had a absolutely huge argument earlier today and it resulted in me screaming crying and a panic attack. Completely freaking out that my baby has been harmed aswell. At one point I got so stressed out I had to remove sone clothes as I got so hot and I bent down and literally felt like I crushed my little one :-( how likely is it that baby could have been harmed by this stress? I'm 10 weeks by the way saw heartbeat at 8 weeks. Lost breast tenderness though.
Theres no chance of baby having suffered
They cant feel or hear anything yet and baby is only the size of a grape/fig
Theyre well protected in there
Itll have been uncomfortable for you but theyll be none the wiser x
I had a big ass argument with fob when I was pregnant and probably a few more that I can't remember but I went over due poor thing must've wondered what e was coming into lol
Try and calm down lovely. Getting more stressed over being stressed won't make you feel any better. :hugs:
We all get stressed from time to time especially with raging hormones, my husband and I had a huge row when I was having my first...I threw things...wasn't my finest hour! Baby was absolutely fine and is now 15months throwing her dinner at me.

Try to put into perspective the stress some people suffer in pregnancy and go on to have healthy babies, people lose partners, parents, children, have accidents etc. I had surgery on an ovarian cyst at 14 weeks with my first, we were both fine! We and our tiny beans are made of tough stuff!

Don't worry about crushing baby they're the size of a prune at the moment, they'll be fine. Xxx
So baby will be ok do you think? Is it ok to bend over aswell during this stage in pregnancy? And is it normal to lose breast tenderness at this point?
Baby will be fine!
You're fine to bend over...exercise is good for you too.
Breast tenderness will come and go throughout, the placenta is taking over now so mummies start to feel better. Xx
It would be pretty damn evil of nature to make women so hormonal and stressed when they're pregnant if that stress was going to harm their babies! If that was the case, mankind would have become extinct a very long time ago! :lol:

However, I too had this worry. After huge arguments like that, I always felt really guilty that I'd allowed myself to get so worked up whilst playing host to the most precious cargo! But at this stage, they can't hear a thing and your tiny baby will be blissfully unaware of what's gone on.

As for the bending down... I read a story of a woman who had her belly ran over by a car at about 12 weeks pregnant and her baby was just fine! Obviously, I don't recommend that you try that though! Haha ;)
We had a couple of massive ones in my first trimester. Same thing me crying and panic. It's understandable really, such a big thing going on as well as hormones and feeling like poo. Baby will be fine though so try and relax. Xxx

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