OH felt a kick


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Hubby finally felt baby kick for the first time :-)

I haven't felt many kicks my self with my Placenta being at the front but got a big boot of a kick last night and huby looked and seen belly move with the next one and put his hand straight on bump and got a kick straight away

Just wanted to share cos was so nice to see the look on his face he was like a kid at christmas

I did frantically post a tread from my mobile when it happened out of excitement but it didnt post and took for ever to type on my phone so wasnt doing it agian hehehe
That's lovely Hun, I think it helps them realise it is real!! My oh felt it for the first time on Sunday. :) xx
My DH cried he first ome he felt Pip move! Was so sweet!!! It's lovely when theycan feel baby moving admit makes it more real for them xx
Hubby felt babba kick on monday aswell he was so happy!! Congrats hun xxxx
aww thats cool ive had nowt like that yet, just feel a bit like a washing machine a few times a day lol
Aaawww. Not been kicked hard enough to feel it through the skin yet :(
aww thats cool ive had nowt like that yet, just feel a bit like a washing machine a few times a day lol

hahaha washing machine that a perfect way to discribe it :-)

Its just the last day or 2 iv had proper kicks only and only had tiney movement the last few weeks so im sure ya get it soon, Maybe ya need to give her a fright again hehe
lol even that was just like i had left my stomach behind going down a hill. might take a while to get distinct kicks but im secretly laughing to myself every time she squirms round in there which is terribly distracting when im at work lol. started at the new house today and the woman that was working there today couldnt believe i was nearly 6 months gone cos im hardly showing. roll on massive bump lol
Oh your so lucky everyone keeps telling me im huge can only imagin what il be like at 9 months lol
You managing ok with the work now with you back n all?

Must get around to puttin my pic in the bump pic tread one of these days,
awww, thats lovely, my OH kept missing it too until the end of last week, its lovely seeing their faces when they feel it :) xxx
Its amazing isnt it! OH felt bubs kick on Monday! I've been feeling them quite strong since then. My baby has deffinately got some strength behind it I tell ya lol

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