Hubby finally felt baby kick for the first time
I haven't felt many kicks my self with my Placenta being at the front but got a big boot of a kick last night and huby looked and seen belly move with the next one and put his hand straight on bump and got a kick straight away
Just wanted to share cos was so nice to see the look on his face he was like a kid at christmas
I did frantically post a tread from my mobile when it happened out of excitement but it didnt post and took for ever to type on my phone so wasnt doing it agian hehehe

I haven't felt many kicks my self with my Placenta being at the front but got a big boot of a kick last night and huby looked and seen belly move with the next one and put his hand straight on bump and got a kick straight away
Just wanted to share cos was so nice to see the look on his face he was like a kid at christmas
I did frantically post a tread from my mobile when it happened out of excitement but it didnt post and took for ever to type on my phone so wasnt doing it agian hehehe