HSG Tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2010
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Hey girls - I'm really missing you all in here and in TTC

I'm going for my HSG tomorrow and I'm quite scared about what they might find.

Ex hubby has been great through this all and is going to go and do his sperm test for me on tuesday so that I can get my results.

He is being like a different person, for those of you that have read my thread in the girly room will know what I've been through.

Now my head is all a mess again because he is being so supportive and he wants to be with me throughout my tests now.
I just don't know what to think, Why is it so confusing?!

I have 2 antibiotics to take in the morning tomorrow and then my appointment is at 4pm.

The nurse said that they wont tell me at the time about anything they find and I have to go back to the clinic to get my results which I can't do until I have his sperm results back as they want to see them all at the same time.

Wish me Luck girls

x x x
Great to hear how your getting on hun, wishing you lots of luck :clover:
Is it strange that although me and OH are not officially together I am still wondering whether to carry on and TTC?

In the back of my mind I think that I was so stressed by TTC that I was at breaking point and pushing him away along with everything that he did to me - but would it be wrong to try and get pg and try and make our relationship work for the sake of a possible baby - or do I stick to my guns and try and forget about all the good times that we had and try to meet someone else?
Oh it was so much easier when we weren't talking!!!
Good luck for tomorrow Hun x
Hi Bonny. Good luck with everything. Sorry to hear about your situation..... I think only you know whether you can get back together or not. I guess try and think about the two of you with TTC out of the situation..... sorry I don't have any real advice! xxxxxxxxx
Ahh hun sorry your head is all in a mess at the moment! I don't think a baby is the solution to fix the problems you guys are having but it is possible that you can use this time to re-evaluate your relationship during the tests you are having done and it may bring you closer together again or it may make you realise that being apart is for the best . TTC is emotionally draining and can put a lot of pressure on a couple chuck in infertility problems and it goes even crazier. I hope what ever you decide you are happy. Good luck tomorrow xx
I was wondering where you had been and how you were getting on. Im soooo sorry to hear about you and hubby, ive never thought to look at the girlie room.

Hope everything goes ok for you :) hugs xxx
Good luck I hope it goes well, get them to put the screen so you can see. You'll be able to see if anythings blocking your tubes at least!
So I had the HSG yesterday - I didn't find it painfull until they started inflating the balloon bit - OMG that killed me,
Then it really hurt when they were injecting the dye - got to the point when I told them to stop for a minute so that I could catch my breath.
They showed me on the screen and I asked the lady about it.

She said she shouldn't really be telling me as it was for my doctor to discuss with me but she doesn't see any leakage from my right tube but there was leakage from my left tube - I'm guessing they are going to tell me that my right tube is blocked.

I've now got to wait until he has his sperm test on tuesday and gets his results back before I can make an appointment at the clinic to discuss my results.

I had a bit of pain last night and a bit of bleeding which the lady said might happen - but I have to keep an eye on it and go to an emergancy doctor if it hasn't stopped within 24 hours.

Thanks for all the support girls - and OH had been great and looked after me well,
Hi hun, I'm pleased to hear it went ok yesterday, even though it was a little painful. Hopefully OH will get his results quickly and you get some answers. You're nearly there now :)

I'm sorry I don't know your story with OH, but just wanted to say it's good he is being supportive.

Take care

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