(HSG test) 6-5-08.... Operation 30-05-08 update


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Sep 19, 2006
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Hi well ive been going to the gynie man for the last couple of months, me & OH had to have sex on certain days then go the following day to get a scrap done to see if there was an egg in the test so ive had this done twice and the last time he said there was egg but i had my period today dam thing so i had to ring for an appointment now to get my tubes checked my appointment is the 6th May, id love to hear from anyone else that has unfortunatly had to get this done as im scared of what it intails, does it hurt etc ive to take an anti-boioticia that morning and then that night of the check up, and the sh*tty thing is the last 2 months before my period came i was confenced that i was pregnant as i had really sore nipples for 1.5 week b4 my period came and dont normally have any problems before my period.
My appointment is tuesday at 1.30 im a bit scared but hope all will be ok with me.
Don't be scared honey, I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm not sure I understand what treatment you've been having...what do you mean by a scrap to see if an eggs there?

do you know what test he is doing to check your tubes as there are a few different ways?
Hi there Puppylove

Just wanted to say hi and good luck on Tuesday. My HSG is at 10am so we'll have to report back. Hope all goes well for you and will keep my fingers crossed for you.

Sara x
Hi chellieboo,

The thing he done to scrap to check if there was an egg present well we had to have sex the night b4 then go to the hospital he then done like a smear type thing and took some slim as they call it to test to c if the egg was present to meet the sperm then he checked it out under microscrope, id had this done for 2 months first month was at 12 days after my period and no egg then the next month was day 14 after my period there was egg present but i didnt get pregnant then they check so many days after ur period i quess to c if i had ovulated, ive now to get the HSG the same as sazzle77
Thanks for getting back to me
never heard of that being done before!

goodluck with the hsg xxx
Chellieboo i live in Holland, mayb they have a few different procedures here i didnt know that this was not done in England strange isnt it but i do hope the HSG test goes ok and i have a good outcome from it.
thanks :hug:
Good Luck!

You will be ok - I had one done last month :hug:

Thinking of you xxx
Well i am just back from my HSG thing, it was a bit painfull with cramping, the scan showed that one of my tubes is ok and the other one isnt good its not completely blocked ive to go back to the gynie man again on the 27th may to talk about it and c what is the next step. so ill update then again when i know more.
Hi puppylove

Sending you big :hug: :hug:

Good luck on the 27th. The good news is that the HSG showed one tube healthy and unblocked. My sister has PCOS and endometriotis and one of her tubes was completely blocked (and stuck to the other tube and ovary)- she went on clomid for 6 months and now has 2 very beautiful children.
Sazzle x
Thanks mum2be

Thanks Sazzle we r trying to stay positive with it.
Thinking of you and I hope your appointment at the end of the month goes ok :hug: :hug: :hug:
Another update...

Well i went to see the doc yesterday and he has said that i need to go into hospital on friday for him to have a look to see what is going on with my tube so ive to be in hospital on friday for 7.30am and then ive to go through a wee operation through my belly button it takes about half and hr but im not sure at what time im gonna b taken down at im very nervous but hopefully ill know more after this so please everyone fingers crossed for me ill update again on friday or saturday
Well i was at hospital this morning to get my operation done i think its called a laparoscopy, so the doc had made 3 holes in my belly one below my belly button and one on either side just on my bikini line, he said the op went well and what was blocked in my tube he has now all scraped away so my tube is now open again so thats good news, i felt ok in the hospital very little pain but on the way home felt a little sick and a bit of pain now and again from getting home until now, so hopefully ill recovery well and hopefully things are looking brighter now my tube is unblocked, ive to go on friday next week to my own doc to get my stitches out and then ive to go back to the hospital on the 8th July.
thats great news honey

I've had a laparoscopy and its not nice (although not too bad), make sure you take it easy for the next few days xxx
Thanks Chellieboo,

Well I fell like someone has punched me in the stomach this morning I have a little pain but i guess what the doc done yesterday is expected to have a little pain with it so ill defnitely be taken it easy for a few days.
Hope things are going well for you on ur IVF take care xx

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