HSG, Hysteropingogram - any one had this done?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
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Hi all...

Posted this in TTC first but thought I might have better luck here...

Not posted for AGES. TTC has been hard and stressful and depressing for me. Been trying for just over 2 years now - with nothing but a period every month. Finally referred to FS about 6 months ago- my blood work and ultrasound of my ovaries and my partners semen analysis are all ok. I'm having a Hysteropingogram next week and wondered if anyone else has had this?! This is going to look at my tubes and if this is ok they say my infertility is unexplained and it's time to think about IVF.

Moley x x
I had a hycosy which is similar. It is gone but you should take it easy afterwards ie no work for rest of the day. Take some paracetamol with you as well. Good luck. Love gizzy xxx
That should say 'fine' not gone, bloody auto correct! Xx
Apart from checking your tubes do you know if it does anything that helps fertility?! Been reading o. Line and some say it unblocks tubes that may have a slight blockage?!
Yes it can do that so make sure you dtd a lot around your next ovulation. Some women have even fallen pregnant after it as it can remove any mucas in the way. Gizzy x
Hi Moley, sorry you have been having a hard time. I'm the same, over 2 years trying without a sniff of a bfp. Unexplained infertility!! I've had the HSG and the procdure itself was fine, just a wee bit crampy like when you've got AF. It was over really quickly. My tubes were fine (right tube a bit sluggish but ok).

Yeah like gizzy says it can clear out any mucus or small blockages just with the dye itself so you are meant to be more fertile for a few months after it. Charliebear got her BFP the cycle after her HSG :) Sadly I didn't (mines was in Dec last year). But try and think positive. It's an idea to take a couple of nurofen about a half hour before. Good luck & let us know how you get on xxx
I found it quite painful, but it is over really quickly and apart from some spotting for the next 24hrs or so it wasn't as bad as I expected.

As the other girls have said, the theory is that it can help to dislodge minor blockages just passing the dye through.
I've had an hsg. Honestly nothing to worry about. I had one huge twinge but apart from that no pain. The best part is is the hospital knickers and maaaasssiiiivvveeee sanitary pad u get given to wear afterwards to catch all the dye dribbles! Word from the wise - take your own pad and pants!!
I had a HSG and got pregnant that cycle :) It can happen.

Its really not that bad, I had a bit of strong cramping at one point but managed to breathe through it. I took a couple of painkillers before I went in and went to work straight after. I had hardly any spotting etc afterwards too.

Lots of luck. x
heya hun, im waitin for mine now.
once u'v had ur hsg ur meant hav more chance of gettin pregnant within the next 6months
fx for u hun :)
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Hi Moley,
I'd echo what the other girls have said -- take some paracetamol before hand and breathe through the cramping. For me it was sharp period cramp but as soon as it felt too much it was over :) and I didn't have any discomfort afterwards, hope it goes ok chic x x x
Thanks so much for all your feedback guys. I was beginning to worry but you have put my mind at ease - much appreciated!! Thanks for the pads and pants and pain killer tips - I shall arrive prepared!! Will let you know how I get on and fingers crossed it clears any minor blockages!!

Moley x x
Hi Moley
I found my HSG fairly painful but I am a right wimp!! But it was like very bad period cramps, only lasted a couple of minutes so although it hurt a lot, it was over quickly. Just try and relax too I'm sure that helps.
Good luck and hope you get that HSG bfp!! Xxx
I was really scared about mine, but like others have said I breathed through the pain and it was fine. Spent the rest of the day curled up on the sofa with a hour water bottle being waited on. Don't think I needed it, but I wasn't going to tell him that when he was being such a lovely nurse...
I had the HSG and it was the worst experiencevof my life. Apologies for the dramatics the pain was really awful and I think I have a high pain threshold. As soon as the contrast was administered I wanted to double over into the foetal position but had to lie there for ages. She then needed to add more. And afterwards she said she couldn't tell me the results and I'd have to see my FS. My next appointment wasn't until August at the FS but have this moved to beginning of July so I'm still none the wiser as to the results really. I was cramping and spotting for 5 days afterwards and my stomach was very tender. My GP said it was to expected and told me to rest but said I didn't have an infection. We didn't BD till about a week after as my OH was worried about my tenderness so needless to say I'm on right now. I'm hoping and praying the pain was the contrast unblocking at least one of my tubes but if not I have decided I do want to proceed with IVF. It's sooooo hard trying to conceive when everyone around you is getting pregnant!! My sister is 4 months pregnant with her second and my really good friend is 3 months. My really good friend has been quite insensitive with her pregnancy as well... She told me she stopped taking her contraceptive when I told her the difficulties I was having and then said she and her partner were arguing around the time she conceived so they were not having much sex. Last week after her first scan she said she really wants to know the sex of the baby and asked me what I would do - would I want to know?! I am happy or her as she is really excited but she's also killing me with the comments she's making.

Anyway - rant over lolol... Love and baby dust to you all x x
Oh sorry it was such a negative experience, u can tick it off the list and move on though. What's next? Clomid?
I don't know what's next waiting to see FS. What's Chlomid?!
Sorry it was so bad hun. I hope everything comes back all clear. I know it's do tough seeing everyone else getting pregnant but you will get there in the end. Hugs xx
Arr that's such a shame it was so painful for you... fingers crossed you're right and the pain was indicating something brilliant happening in your tubes! Good luck this month hun xx
clomid is a drig that makes you ovulate or boosts your ovulation if you ovulate but just need a little bit of help.

what is your story, assume if your getting an hsg you have had all the bloods done? partnber had a semen analysis? what are your cycles like?

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