Hows your BLW going?


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2010
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Hi there

For those of you doing BLW I was just wondering how it's going?? We have approx 3 weeks to go and am getting quite excited! LO picked piece of cooked carrot off my plate yesterday and enjoyed a good suck. I am a little nervous though as he sucked ina massive piece and so worried about choking, I know they have v strong gag reflexes and I'm pretty sure I know what to do in case of choking!! But still, first few times think I;ll be bit nervous?!

So how are al your babies doing if you are BLW? What was their first taste/tastes, any choking experiences (hope not to many!!) Are they ingesting much food yet?
Its going so well, we are loving it!

She started a week before 6 months, and her first 'dinner' was some steamed broccoli and carrot. She just sucked it and played with it but it so lovely to see :)

Now at 7 months and a bit she has a really varied diet, loves her food, and is always so excited when I put her in her highchair! There have been a few gagging moments that have been a bit scary - but I forced myself not to react and waited for her to move the food forward in her mouth which she did, so no choking incidents :)

It is so lovely to be able to share mealtimes with her without having to let my food go cold while I spoon feed her, though she does have porridge for breakfast now she can let me know if she wants whats on the spoon or not :)

The funniest thing is satsuma segments...she bungs about 3 in her mouth at once, suck and sucks until the middle bits are all gone, then spits out the inner skins lol

ETA: WRT ingesting, she still doesnt eat everything that goes in her mouth, but at this stage its all about learning how to eat, not how much she eats :)
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Cahal doesn't get that he has to put the food in his mouth - everything just gets thrown on the floor! He wants it though, if you hold some food he sits with his mouth open and leans over to try and get it off you - with his mouth though, not his hand!
Sounds like Jessica is having a lot of fun...I may have to pester you for advise/tips etc...!!

Next thing I need to think about is that we need to get a highchair that sits up to the table. A mat elent me a chico one but I want one thta comes right up to table. What do you ladies have?

When did you start Cahal on foods? Sounds like he's pretty interested!
we're just using a cheap Argos job at the moment, MIL bought it for Christmas and I feel obliged to use it lol - it will do for now though. When he's a bit older I want him to eat at the table with us and unless something makes me change my mind we're going to getting one of these

They have something similar in Wagamamas, they're great!
oops meant to say we started on solids about 3 weeks ago, we're still on veggies and fruit at the moment but have started also giving him titbits of bread which he loves! Just got to get those hands working lol!
I cant WAIT to start Evelyn on BLW! We're doing a roast this weekend so she'll be having lots of veg and a bit of chickend to play with :)
We have a highchair at the table with the best intentions, but we like to watch TV while we eat (I know bad habit, but its the only time we do watch it lol) so she sits in ehr walker which has a food tray bit. Probably not the best and I keep saying we should sit at the table but nevermind!

I think Ikea do highchairs that go right up to the table, the same ones they provide in their restaurant :)
Oo all so exciting! And Owen has little pokey white tooth coming up from the bottom! exciting too but also little weird as he's growing up!! (so fast!)

yeah I've seen thosde Ikea ones, look pretty good. Saw the 'triptrap' but way too expensive and then my childminder to be (eek!) has a baby dan which is pretty cool but still pricey. Owen is picking up everything and taking to his mouth and sits well (not on his own yet) so like some of you may start with fruit and veg a little earlier.

Those who have started, how do you do it with dinenr as we tend to eat when oh gets home after Owen is in bed, Owen goes to bed 7/7.30 and OH gets home about 7.15. Maybe I will have to have a little dinner with Owen at 5.30/6ish? and rest with OH? what do you guys do/intend to do?
At the moment Cahal eats between 5:30 and 6:00 - I have some as well just to show him which I think he enjoys, he's started showing me things before putting them in his mouth lol :) OH works from home but doesn't really finish until gone 7, so we eat a proper dinner together at about 8. That's going to have to change though as I want us all to eat together when LO's a bit older, so OH will either just have to finish earlier or eat then go back to work hehe

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