hows your baba sleeping?


Active Member
Oct 26, 2006
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Hi ladies, my jayden is 12 weeks, he goes to sleep at about 9pm and he gets back up for one bottle at about 4am, then sleeps till 7am,
I breast fed him till he was 8 weeks ( had to stop cos he wasnt gaining enough weight according to my health visitor...but thats another story).
How are the rest of yous getting on with the sleeping?? I hope all is well with everyone, oh and I love having a baby more than I could ever of imagined! they are so damn cute when they are yours!!! x
luke is 16 weeks tomorrow and he has a feed at 9ish then goes down and sleeps til about 5.30 then up again at 7.30. just started trying some hungry baby milk to see if he can go a bit longer but he has also been poorly with a nasty cough and cold so i'm hoping when he is better he might go a wee bit longer!! :pray:
Hi there,

God I haven't been on here since Phoebe was born and that was 14 weeks ago!!

My Phoebe is a really good sleeper. 50% of the time she'll sleep from 7pm until 7am and the other 50% she'll wake once in the night.

I read somewhere that if you give them a half hour feed four hours and then two hours before putting them to bed and then when you put them to bed give them an hour feed (or until they latch off) and then when you go to bed don't wake them up but gently pick them up and put your nipple or teat by their mouth and then feed them until they latch off. I did this for two weeks before she started sleeping through. It's great being able to get a full nights sleep.

My problem is that Phoebe resists having a snooze in the day so at time can get quite grumpy, although we are getting into more of a routine and she is starting to snooze a little more.

P.S. that signiture is not correct I am not pregnant!!! And if I am it must be the immaculate conception, by the end of the day all I want to do is sleep!!!!
Dylan usually goes down aroung 10 wakes at 3is then 5-6 then between 8 & 9 .
emily has a bottle at 10pm and goes to sleep
then she gets up at 6am for a bottle, goes back to sleep and then gets up at 10am, has her bottle and i get her up
Sam has his last bottle at 6pm and goes to bed by 7. He has his next feed at 7-7.30 am. :cheer: :cheer:
He wakes during the night but only because he wants his dummy. He's trying so hard to get his thumb in and I'm sure once he's done that I won't have to get up to him anymore :cheer:
Grace goes in her cot awake at 7 pm - then I feed her when I go to bed, sometime between 10 and 11. She then wakes again about 2ish and again at 5 ish then sleeps in until between 8 and 9 am...

i am happy with that ........ she is really good when she wakes in the night she only feeds for 10 mins and is then goes back in her cot straight away and happily falls asleep
I wish I could join the sleep gang! I still have to feed Fin every 2 hours or so from putting him to bed. His pattern has changed a few times and it was getting better at one point. At this moment in time I can't imagine what it is like to sleep for a good few hours. Poor me. :cry:
Im lucky, Thea started sleeping from 7.30 until 6.30 from about 8 weeks :) We have had a few night wakings lately because of her teething but last night she slept through again.
Alfie from 7/8 weeks slept 5 - 5am back down at 6 untill about 9/10 now he goes 6 - 6 has 2/3 naps in the day
We actually got 2 nights on the trot where Ellie slept through on Friday and Saturday night. However last night she woke at 2:20 and then wouldn't settle until about 4am. Argh! Part of the problem last night was she rolled onto her front and then got very upset. The same thing happened the "night" before but she didn't do that until 7:20am. I wish it would cool back down as she doesn't do that when she is wearing her dreampod.
willow has her last feed at 6:30 - 7 and is in bed awake by 7:30 the latest she then wakes up at 5 - 6 for a feed and then goes back to sleep til 9 ish but the last couple of nights have been a bit disturbed as she has a cold.
:wall: Elora used to be so good, but lately she has gone downhill with a bump!

Bed at 7.00pm with last bottle
wakes at 9.00pm
wakes at 11pm
wakes at 2am
wakes at 4am
wakes at 6am
wakes up properly at 8am

:cry: :cry: :cry:

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