Hi girls!
I dont know what happened to Daniel lately! From about 7 weeks he was sleeping from 6.30pm, sometimes had milk at 11pm(very raley), then at 3am and then woke up for the day at 7am. No waking up for dummies and etc.
Now, for the last 2 weeks: Bed at 6.30, but, before 11pm feed (and now he def wants it) he wakes up like 6 times for the dummy, then after 11pm feed he wakes up anither couple of times for the dummy, the, after 3am feed, if it is a good night sleeps till 5, then just lies there awake till 6.30 wanting dummy, if its a bad night-wakes up as soon as dummy is out (depending on dummy from 1 min till 15). Then, evetually at 6.30am his daddy takes him in bed with him and I go to the other room to have a couple of hours sleep. And then they sleep (well, Daniel sleeps) till about 8am.
Any sucsessful ideas how to make him sleep if not through, but at least to the previous pattern?
We started on solids (but not too much, just half a pot or rarely a pot of puree per day (small Baby Plum one).
He is teething, but, he was teething like from 2 and a half months and we had no problems.
During the day he sleeps twice, in the morning and in the evening anywhere between 30 mins and hour.
Please please help!
Otherwise I will just collapse 

I dont know what happened to Daniel lately! From about 7 weeks he was sleeping from 6.30pm, sometimes had milk at 11pm(very raley), then at 3am and then woke up for the day at 7am. No waking up for dummies and etc.
Now, for the last 2 weeks: Bed at 6.30, but, before 11pm feed (and now he def wants it) he wakes up like 6 times for the dummy, then after 11pm feed he wakes up anither couple of times for the dummy, the, after 3am feed, if it is a good night sleeps till 5, then just lies there awake till 6.30 wanting dummy, if its a bad night-wakes up as soon as dummy is out (depending on dummy from 1 min till 15). Then, evetually at 6.30am his daddy takes him in bed with him and I go to the other room to have a couple of hours sleep. And then they sleep (well, Daniel sleeps) till about 8am.
Any sucsessful ideas how to make him sleep if not through, but at least to the previous pattern?
We started on solids (but not too much, just half a pot or rarely a pot of puree per day (small Baby Plum one).
He is teething, but, he was teething like from 2 and a half months and we had no problems.
During the day he sleeps twice, in the morning and in the evening anywhere between 30 mins and hour.
Please please help!