jack is 4 months old and has never slept through the best he does is 11 till 4, he is boobie fed and still feeds every 2.5 hours!!!! he has a loose routine of bath feed cuddles with daddy then bed!! last night i was chatting with DH about it and he blames me for jack not sleeping through!! (i dont know why i sulked at this point of the conversation) im annoyed because i recently asked DH 2 help me get jack into a better routine when he was off work 4 a week but he said he didnt want that because it meant that he wouldnt get to see much of jack when he got home from work! anyway back to the point i really tried to settle jack last night it took me an hour to settle him in his moses basket!! but now that he has found his hands he keeps pulling his dummy out but cant always find his hands to suck in time!! should i give him a comfort blanket to hold??? and please tell me what you did to get your LOs to sleep thru what routines do u use!! im getting to the point where im sooooo tired and fed up (doesnt help thatmy sisters two week old sleeps thru and i keep getting that chucked in my face)
oh my gosh sorry 4 the rant
oh my gosh sorry 4 the rant