does anyone use any kind of routine?


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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hopefully this post will be allowed - i'm not referring to GF or baby whisperer.. :lol:

was wondering what other peoples routines are like, and hopefully i can steal some tips. just now we're not trying to get aiden into a strict routine as such, but i'm a nightmare without sleep, so basically need to get as much as possible :lol: we've started doing this - when he wakes at about 10:30pm, bath, bottle and bed. He's usually down by about 12am and sleeps till 3am, then needs a feed, then down by 4am, and sleeps till 6ish..

would love if he would sleep a bit more at night, but he is only 2 and a half weeks old :lol:

thanks in advance ladies!!
during the day I didnt have a set routine as such but at night time, it was bath bottle bed. Sometimes it would be later than planned but always in the same order so Jess knew what to expect. I kept that going once Joe was born. Certain elements of gf and bw are good and can be incorporated and tweaked to your routine.

Good luck
Up until Oliver was about 3months I just went with the flow as far as feeding/sleeping was concerned (night & day)

Now he's a bit older I tend to feed him at the same times (give or take 30mins). Then his bedtime routine starts at around 6pm. Bath/wash, milk feed then bed.

As for play & sleep in the day - I still just follow his lead. Several times a week we go to different baby buddy groups, once a week swimming, and if nice day trips to the park/lake.
since birth thomas has been fed in the day every 3-4 hours depending on how he feels so we have no set routine as such but he does generaly have a nap after each feed untill recently now hes awake alot more,
he will go to bed at about 7pm again has done this since birth he doesnt have a bath everynight he has one 2/3 times a week but he does have a full clean with wipes every night and morning, also give him a massage with e45 after his wipe down and he knows its morning or bedtime.
so not really a huge routine but he knows what order things go in and whats going to happen :)
good luck
At the first nappy change after 7pm we put DD in a sleepsuit or nightie, feed her - a top up if she's just fed or a full meal if she's not - cuddle her a bit then as she starts to drop off she goes into her cot. She's up every 4 or 5 hours and feeding, changing nappy and popping her back in her cot takes under half an hour. I think she goes down well in her cot because if she's a bit alert, she likes to stare at the birds on her mobile until she falls asleep.

Daytime is when she first wakes up after 7 am. During the day she feeds every 3 or 4 hours and sleeps when she wants to.
Its probably a bit early to hope he'll go with less feeds overnight tbh. He needs them so has to have them.

If I were you and you need the sleep I'd bath him earlier at the time of his previous feed (I'm guessing 7-8pm ish?) and then if he is awake you leave him with OH and go get your head down for a few hours. And then OH can do the 10-11pm feed and then come to bed and bring him in with him. That way you get a bit extra sleep wise and OH can then sleep through the night (if working the next day) while you deal with the feeds.

Its how my OH and I worked it also, but bear in mind I was BF'ing and had to be woken to feed LO before I could go back to sleep. When I expressed OH didn't disturb me at all and did the feeds till he came to bed and brought LO up in the Moses basket. I got a few hours extra sleep earlier as it was doable, whereas in the night really wasn't as Galen had to be fed regardless.
we've allowed connor to fall into his own routine. he started wanting to go to bed at 10pm about 2 weeks ago. now he's brought it forward to 9.30pm. i feed him just before but always change his nappy first, and put him in his sleeping bag. he still feeds 2/3 times during the night but i'm used to it now and don't really mind :) :)
It's only the last week that Evie has dropped her night feed. She dropped down to just one nightfeed at about 4 weeks.

Our routine is pretty simple:
6am- bottle in bed with Mummy and Daddy
8am- Mummy gets up and does the bottles
9am- Evie has a quick bath
10am- Bottle
11am-1pm- Doze
1pm-2pm- Playtime with Mummy :lol:
2pm-5pm- Playtime again :lol:
5.30pm- Bottle (we give her this bottle a bit early so she's asleep when we are eating dinner :wink: )
6.30-8.30- Nap
8.30-10- Plays with Daddy, Has a bath
10.30- Bottle (7oz). We fill her up before she goes to bed!
11pm- BEDTIME :dance:

It takes time though hun- Evie pretty much found her own routine (it's different at weekends because Daddy mucks it up! :rotfl: ) and we went with what she wanted.
This is Ellies rough routine, she has got herself into this as we arent overly concerned about her being in a routine so we just let her lead. In between all the feeding, sleeping etc we play with her but im not gunna put that as i'd be here all day :lol:

8:00 Get up
9:00 Feed
9:30 Back to bed
11:00 Up & play
12:30 Feed then dinner
1:00 Nap (30mins - 1hr)
3:30 Feed & Nap
6:30 Feed/Tea & Nap
7:30 Daddy time - Nappy off & Bath
9:30 Bedtime feed & cuddles
10:00 Bedtime

She does wake up sometimes early morning for a feed but its really quick and to be honest I think its for comfort more than anything, this is around 6am and then she snoozes until get up time. Some days she feeds more than the above too but only tends to feed for 5-10 mins now so its not a problem :)
haha! you wanna count yaself lucky! youve got a well behaved newborn! My son didnt even start sleeping like that til over 2 months. Um honestly your guna have to wait you'll never get a two week old to follow a routine!! Just do the same thing around bed time ever day and your LO will get the hang in the end.

At about 2 months we didnt let him sleep past half 5 and that was play time when daddy got home from work. 7pm bath 7.15 bottle 7.30 bed! he would always go to sleep coz he was tired from being awake and playing for two hours. to start with he would only sleep for three hour periods then want a bottle. the gaps just got longer as he got older.

Now we do exactly the same thing but he'll sleep till 6am. although the last 2 days hes woken at 4am for a bottle but i think hes just about to go through a growth spurt....i hope!

haha if you dont think your getting enough sleep dont let midna or squiglet read this :lol:
I have no routine through the day i just go with the flow everydau is diferent

We both decided the moses basket and the bedroom is for night time sleeps naps through the day our in his chair bouncer or cuddling me james or on his playmat (of course we watch him)

we play classical music softly in the bedroom when collier goes to sleep he loves it if hes upset crying or in a rage the music has a magic effect on him and he stops calms down listens then falls asleep :D

i used to have to rock him for ages pacing the rom to get him to sleep then id put him down thinking he was a sleep ans hed scream blue murder
now hes usually asleep when i place him in the basket :cheer:

Night time feed also occur in the bedroom as is changing his nappy after we have the changng unit in the bedroom and use a soft night light on only when im feeding changing him the rest of the time all lights are of

also after feed change i hold and rock him for a while before placing him back in the basket ( putting the music back on again)

i used to pick him back up when he cried but now i lay down on the bed next to the basket and stroke his head i know his crys if its upset he needs comfort or if its him trying it on with Mammy
i ignore this cry at first it was hell as he could get himself into such a rage but now hes much calmer attention seeking cry isnt as loud or last as long
he hes soon back to sleep :dance: :sleep:

im very impressed with Collier myself for this proggress

it used to be 1am to 4 am then hed wake at 6 for a feed back to sleep till 8
now its sleep11.30pm to 5/5.30am wake for a feed then back to sleep a then wake he'd at 7.30/8am for a feed

Caitlyn has just started sleeping through since she started on the infant gaviscpn but she is feeding every 3-4 hours during the day.

Tonight i have her a bath @ 5, then a bottle and now she is having cuddles with her daddy, asleep on the settee.

She goes in her crib at night, then at about 4ish she wakes crying, we fetch her in bed with us an she sleeps. Last night she fed at 11pm then was asleep til 7.30 :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

The night before it was 6.40.
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I am not even sure if Fi has a routine :oops:
But she probably has a bit of one - she seems to wake for a feed at 4.30am - ish most nights...

at the moment we're going with the flow! she'll sleep wherever she is during the day (carrycot, in the car, in someones arms, under the baby gym etc) and in the crib at night.

When OH has is job sorted and we've moved i'll probably try easing her into a vague routine...
Our recently updated routine goes something like this though she feeds pretty much whenever she wants during the day.

7.30am - Up and at 'em.

9.00am (ish) - Feed

10.30am - Nap of up to 30 minutes (very rarely more)

12.30pm - Feed

2pm - Short nap (usually about 20 minutes!)

4pm - Feed

7-8pm - Bath, story, bottle, bed

11pm - Very sleepy feed.

4.30am (ish) - Feed

Fill all the spaces between with PLAYTIME! She tends to sleep a lot when we're out and about but only rarely during the day.

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