How's it going?!


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2010
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Hi guys! How are we all? Only 4days over today but my god it feels like a lifetime... It's soo funny how so called 'friends' who I haven't heard from for months pop up asking if I've had the baby and can't wait to see him/her!! Also I always sympathised with people who were getting the same people txting everyday asking for updates but geeeeez it's really starting to piss me off! Haha, i know they're being nice but I've told them if there's any news they would know! Must be the hormones but it's crazy how much pressure I feel under to go into labour right now, people just can't hide their disappointment that baby still isn't here! Dunno how they think I feel!

Anyways, me and oh dtd again last night see if anything gets going, since I have lost lots and I mean lots of plug. Just greeny coloured though no blood. No pains or anything though... Well that turned into a bit of a rant! Sorry, hope everyone is ok xxxxx
im the same heidi.

they are driving me insane. text back to my step mum yesterday and said if anything was happening you and dad are 1st to know. doing my head in. feels like im putting too much pressure on myself cos of it all which is probably stopping him coming.

oh is refusing to dtd. it freaks him out so no joy for me unless little one decideds on his own.

so fed up. really didnt think i would go 3 days over with the amount of pains ive had etc. neither did mw. xxx
Hugs for us!!!

I keep getting myself really upset about it. They say 'the suspense is killing me' and one nob head family member keeps saying 'u need to reallly want it to happen'... I've never wanted something to happen in my life as much as i do now! I don't mean to sound selfish an might see it differently when baby is here but right now it's so annoying!

My calls are on divert to voicemail coz people were ringing too. People who really need to get through know to call oh's phone.

arghh it's driving me mad too..and I still got a week before my due date ! Everybody is annoying me now..keep getting people texting/calling just to check if anything happened ! I will let you know when something happens !I don't need remembering every 5 minutes that I'm 'nearly there'!...people put so much pressure on you,it's umbelievable ! hehe just in a bad mood today I think..
i sympathise! How many times can you say, "no, no news" to people. grrr....

I had to beg, literally BEG my hubby for sex on monday night, i felt very horny! haha. he was really, really not keen. but we did it again last night - he was funny he said that he will have to forfeit his birthday blow job this year! lol....

nmf - i would suggest playing the guilt trip card - "you don't know what it's like to be desperate to try anything, takle on efor the team, etc etc!" xx
arghh it's driving me mad too..and I still got a week before my due date ! Everybody is annoying me now..keep getting people texting/calling just to check if anything happened ! I will let you know when something happens !I don't need remembering every 5 minutes that I'm 'nearly there'!...people put so much pressure on you,it's umbelievable ! hehe just in a bad mood today I think..

Same here, not in a good mood today! Ha, everything is getting to me, some people even mentioned they intend to wait in the corridor outside the delivery ward and when he/she is born I will have to get a midwife or oh to wheel the baby out in the cot thing for them to see then they can go home till they can visit... Not being funny but this makes me feel under even more pressure, god knows how long labour will take an they will be waiting and under NO circumstances will anybody will be taking my baby into the corridor especially without me. They can wait till visiting times like other people!

God I sound like a bitch!! Xxxx
i sympathise! How many times can you say, "no, no news" to people. grrr....

I had to beg, literally BEG my hubby for sex on monday night, i felt very horny! haha. he was really, really not keen. but we did it again last night - he was funny he said that he will have to forfeit his birthday blow job this year! lol....

nmf - i would suggest playing the guilt trip card - "you don't know what it's like to be desperate to try anything, takle on efor the team, etc etc!" xx

My oh is all up for the sex thing... Twice yesterday infact! Haha. Thing is though his leave ends Friday (day I'm booked in to be induced) so he's up for anything to try get things moving asap. He would get extra time off though if it comes to that but everyday overdue day seems like a year!! Xxx
I don't know if it helps much but when I was at the natural history museum last weekend there was an exhibition on giving birth and it said that the mother doesn't start labour, the hormones that kick start labour are produced by the baby so it is basically the baby who decides when labour starts not us! So anyone putting pressure on you telling you its not happening because you don't want it enough is talking b'llocks lol!!!!!
arghh it's driving me mad too..and I still got a week before my due date ! Everybody is annoying me now..keep getting people texting/calling just to check if anything happened ! I will let you know when something happens !I don't need remembering every 5 minutes that I'm 'nearly there'!...people put so much pressure on you,it's umbelievable ! hehe just in a bad mood today I think..

Same here, not in a good mood today! Ha, everything is getting to me, some people even mentioned they intend to wait in the corridor outside the delivery ward and when he/she is born I will have to get a midwife or oh to wheel the baby out in the cot thing for them to see then they can go home till they can visit... Not being funny but this makes me feel under even more pressure, god knows how long labour will take an they will be waiting and under NO circumstances will anybody will be taking my baby into the corridor especially without me. They can wait till visiting times like other people!

God I sound like a bitch!! Xxxx

oh my god! i have made it really clear, almost by pre-emptive strike, that no one except my husband and perhaps mum/dad is welcome in the hospital. that will be the last thing you want! if anyone calls me or Mark to see if they can come along to hospital I've just told him to say no! poor you xx
I'm not even at my due date yet & I've got so called family members getting in touch who usually don't bother! It pisses me off cos I know they're only being nosey twats! x
I don't know if it helps much but when I was at the natural history museum last weekend there was an exhibition on giving birth and it said that the mother doesn't start labour, the hormones that kick start labour are produced by the baby so it is basically the baby who decides when labour starts not us! So anyone putting pressure on you telling you its not happening because you don't want it enough is talking b'llocks lol!!!!!

Thanks! Yeah it does help, think everyones just frustrated coz they are all really excited but just don't realise how many timed worse it is for me!! Xxx
Hopefulmummy- I know! I'd never do that even if it was a family member giving birth. Only way I'd be there is if I was asked. I have said there's no point coz dunno how long il be etc but they won't listen. They will wait a long time, or at least until I go onto the other ward and visiting times. Oh has already said not to worry he will chat to them coz they are his family saying it mainly an although we have been together over 6years an I get on with them i feel I can't be as firm as I think they need for it to get through!

BabysMomma- pain in the ass isn't it! I share your pissed off'ness!

OMG - I can't believe how rude some people are! I'm hoping this isn't going to happen to me! In saying that, we don't have any family over here (only BIL), so no chance of anyone waiting outside of the delivery room, thank God!

We're not going to log on to Facebook or anything and if MIL starts texting me I'll just switch my phone off. I know it's the baby that decides when to come, but it does receive signals from mummy and if you're under any stress, there's no way it will come any time soon.

Talking about rude, inconsiderate people, we've currently got my hubby's brother living with us - he's been here over 10 weeks and is starting to piss me off! He wasn't going to move out until I was 39 weeks pregnant, but hubby put his foot down, so he's off next weekend! It's been hard getting things sorted while he's been here. He works nights quite a lot, so I'm tip toeing around during the day - we knew for a fact that we wouldn't feel ready for baby if he was still here and that baby wouldn't come if I was stressed so we dropped massive hints for him to go! Yes, he eventually got the hint, but I feel cheated out of enjoying a relaxed maternity leave etc!

Why are people so inconsiderate?!

Sorry, I also ranted and I've got over 4 week left! :blush:

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