How was your day?

well snday was a nitemare. Hubby went out sat nite, tryed to call him but mob was off. Kept trying- still no answer. When i woke in the morning ( 6ish ) he was still not home. :evil:
Was going mad his phone was still off. I was getting so worried. He finally called me bout 7.15. He told he feel asleep round his mates and spilt beer on his phone. I think its a load of crap, coz he phone was wrking fine to call me .!!!! :wink:

Love Kelly
Had a shit day so far.

High - Last night I fed Ella for an hour from 9 til 10pm. She fell asleep for 10 mins but woke back up and took a couple oz of expressed milk. She wouldn't settle until 11.30pm (approx) I had her in bed with me and fell asleep next to her. DH woke at 1am and put her in her crib but she didn't wake up. She slept from about 11.30pm til 5.30am which was fantastic.

Lows - She woke at 5.30am and wouldn't settle for 2 hours. She went sleep from 7.30am til 10.30am in which time I managed to grab about 45 mins sleep. When she woke up I tried to feed her, she was screaming and screaming at me and I couldn't get her latched on as she was upset and flinging her arms and legs around, it was impossible to get her near the nipple. I was letting down all over the place, it was squirting her and drenched her clothes. In the end I got her on but she was gulping back so fast it was choking her and she kept coming off and getting more upset. I was so stressed out. She wouldn't settle after her feed so after 2 hours of trying to settle her I took her out in her pram and she slept for 45 mins, but as soon as we got home she woke up again. I fed her in my nursing chair this time and managed to get comfy, she was feeding for well over an hour, but still wouldn't settle. I;ve ended up just leaving her in her moses basket as I need to get away from her for a bit. She's not crying (at the moment). It's been a really really hard going day so far.
Today Thomas has been totally the opposite!!!! He slept from 9.20 pm till 2.50 am then from 3.15 till 6.45 then from 7.20 till 11.40. After that he must have been awake no more than an hour, he slept his whole day through!!! He cried when awake and woke up at 8.30 pm tonight, had a bit of a kick and is sleeping now. I hope now he will sleep well tonight as all this sleeping might ruin his night.

The mistake I made was to take advantage of this to do some washing and cleaning instead of sleeping, so if he does not sleep, i will pay for this because i am so tired lol

Am off to bed now just in case i am going to have a bad night!!!
lulu said:
So much for the 'NHS ' crying out for nurses!!!

ha ha ha you got to be joking arent you, in my year alone at uni we have 700+ student nurses... and now there is a freeze all on nursing jobs in hampshire, all my friends that qualified last summer have other job un-related to nursing as they dont need us any more, and any nurses that get jobs are in agencies coz the pay is better :lol: :lol:

if i was you avois this proffession lol im thinking about quiting, the training is crap and its more hassle then its worth ha ha ha

im applying to be an ODP now and work in theatre, plus only 2 year course still with bursary money.

if you want any advice or any thing about student nursing lulu pm me
yesterday was a nice day been real good althou she is teethin and she walkin from one end of the room to the other pushin her baby walker with her.. :)

got my hair dyed and had a pampering night as dior went to bed at 6.30pm and slept till 7am this morning when i had to wake her to go the childminders :)
Amazing how one day differs from the next. :shock:
I had no sleep last night - knackered this morning!!! Have been trying now for more than an hour to get dressed. Haven't even had a cuupa tea!
Luckily the other two of mine, have got sports after school today and will only be back after 4pm. Will have to snooze to recover!

Rosieroo.... has your HV not been able to offer you some comfort?? I know we all have shitty days from time to time, but you're obviously having a terribly crap time of it! :( I don't know if you've been to BF workshop, might be worth a try. You're having such a hard time with sore nipples and it's very hard to keep a straight face when you're in so much physical and emosional pain. Tell your HV... and if you cry your eyes out, I'm sure you'll feel better for sharing it!! And nevermind if Ella screams the clinic down tomorrow - Oscar does the same EVERY week!!!!! Makes me so upset - I know what u mean about fighting the tears!
Did you check out the link I posted? Craniosacral Therapy - it really is worth considering... you don't deserve an uneasy baby and Ella doesn't deserve the discomfort or whatever it is that makes her so unsettled.
I just want to tell you aswell... you're doing a great job keeping your cool. It's ok to close the door and walk away to take a deep breath... don't feel bad about it. You're a good mummy. :wink:

Let me know how you get on! We're all here to help.
Emilia xx

Been typing this with 1 finger, whilst feeding O. Hand about to fall off... :lol:
I thought I was relaxed when I was feeding but yesterday I'd been feeding for a while and I suddenly realised that I could relax my shoulders, I'd been so tensed up. When I took her for a walk I was so depressed (I thought walking was supposed to make you feel better!). I realised that I'd joined that group of people that you see walking past my window, alone, looking drained, pushing their prams. Matt assumed that I would've enjoyed my walk, but what's fun about walking around the streets, freezing cold and starving hungry knowing that when you get home you'll be chained to the sofa feeding?

Last night Matt did Ella's middle of the night feed with formula and I expressed at the same time, so I've got well over a feed's worth in the fridge for later today so it gives me a break from having her latched on. Also that means I can express off what I would have fed her and put it back for later tonight when she's hungrier and to help settle her. I'm no longer totally averse to formula feeding, but for the past 9 months I've had it forced down my throat about the benefits of breast feeding and how formula fed babies are iller, bigger etc etc. When I got Mastitis the 2nd time and went to see an emergency doc to get some antibiotics I said that I was struggling with the feeding what with feeling so ill and she said to me 'surely it's better for you to be boosting her immune system and giving her antibodies'. I think that if they are going to make you feel guilty about not breastfeeding that down here there should be more support for when you are struggling.

On the up side ;) We had an excellent night's sleep last night (sorry Emilia!). I think all that awake time tired her right out! She slept from 9.45pm til 4am, we took her out of her crib as soon as we heard her stirring so she didn't fully wake, fed her and put her straight back down again (felt bad for not changing her but it was an experiment and she has good absorbent nappies and didn't smell!) and she slept til 7am this morning. I'm feeling a lot happier at the moment today, I just think yesterday I probably reached my lowest ebb, which I'm sure will happen lots of times over the next few months.

Thank you Emilia for your post, it really helped boost my spirits. This motherhood lark is bloody hard work!
Rosieroo.... your post cheered me up!!!! Well done!
Emilia xx
yay rosieroo, am so pleased that you had a good nights slewep, it doesmake a difference. i feel the same way about going for a walk, its just not the weather for it.

had an ok night, seren didn't settle till one but she slept til 4.30am, then i bought her into my bed and fed her, we woke again at half eight for more food and she wanted feeding again at half ten so managed to get some sleep. was greetedby a big smile, she only seems to smile hen she is about to be fed, hmm...i don't seem to be in as much pain as i was yesterday and am able to feed her better.

am also feeding her whilst typing emilia but you are much better as i can't do capitals or smilies, and my hand aches too x
Oscar has swapped night and day around. Sleeps all day - parties all night!
Emilia x
Oh dear, not a good thing to start doing at nearly 4 weeks old, just when you thought you were getting somewhere!!

Sorry cannot offer any advice because Rubie is still a bit hit and miss but hope he switches back soon!! :D

I always complained on this post so though it would be nice to describe a rare day which happened today :)

After a difficult evening and beginning of the night, Thomas slept well, giving me 4hours and a half of full sleep. Then he slept all morning, which gave me the opportunity to clean and tidy the house and get a shower. After that, we went for the first time in town and we spent the afternoon there, he slept most of the time.

Once at home, we had a play and he did smile a few times, he had a few cries but nothing bad :)

So thought i would share a positive day :)
So hard keep head above water at times, but a day like you've had makes it possible, hey? Well done - I hope Thomas has finally discovered the wonders of being content...... I wish this morning that Oscar would discover that too!!!! :D
He's kept me up all night, because I messed things up yesterday (with regards to our little routine). He's just nodded off now, so I'm also off to bed.
Nite nite xxxx (or good morning? :? :shock: :cry: :D )
Emilia xx
Yesterday was hard work with Ewan - he has his hios good and bad days with teething and yesterday was a bad one - was grizzly all day. didn't really want to play with toys, did want to bwe picked up or put down, just wanted to be fed cuddled. everytime he was close to me he kept snuffling around for my breast, so have let him feed more -as it settled him and he would sleep for a while, gave him calpol but didn'ty deem to help very much today. was over at mym mums so we took it in turns to amuse him!
mum cheered me up by saying it will get worse and do't expect any sleep tonight - well he went to bed at 10.30 and we didn't hear him till 7am!!
Damien still hard work, still struggling with his reflux, still snotty and got bronciolitus, need sleep! and to top it off, Mark got food poinsoning so I had 2 babies to look after!! :shock:

Any babysitters out there?!!! LOL :lol:
I'll take Damo any time!! In fact I dreamed the other night that I saw you out shopping and you looked tired so I took him for a while :D
Well i had another good day today :)

Thomas was very good today again and I feel ever so sorry for him.

his nose is so bad he cries because he can hardly breathe. Twice he could not catch his breath and I hate this panicky look he has on his face each time it happened. I put the movement sensor underneath his moses mattress because i am so worried about him not breathing in the night, especially with all the discomfort he has, that keeps waking him up. He also cries real tears now, which makes it even worse emotionally for me!!!

And today to top it all, he has diareha (can't spell it sorry lol), it leaked as well during the night, poor lad!!!!

He tries his best not to complain about it but that makes him cry a lot.

Tomorrow, i want to see a doctor and I am going to shout a bit, it is not normal that he has to put up with this for more than 3 weeks now, especially when it gets worse and not better.
SUCCESS!!!!!!!! My pajama top in his crib has worked wonders!!!!

Oscar didn't let me down...... went to sleep at 6.30pm. Woke up at 12.30am and again at 4am. Bliss!!!!!
The most wonderful and facinating thing of all, was watching him root for milk amongst the creases of my top and clenching onto it with one fist (as he does when lying on my chest)
I'm amazed!!!

BUT, do you know what the bummer is............?????
I didn't sleep so good, because I kept waking up wondering WHY HE WASN'T waking up for feeds??? Silly I know, but I guess we've all got that "built in" alarm system that wants to warn us of posible dangers!
Never mind.... I'm so happy. I'm hoping that it'll be the same again tonight. Will let you all know!

Time for breakfast and a well deserved cuppa!
Emilia xx
2 nights in a row getting sleep! Oscar has cracked it I think, but I put it down to pj top in crib. He woke up the same times as the night before.

It's odd feeling more alive in the mornings.... thank goodness :D
Emilia xx

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