Well, finally I get to stop for a minute and try to remember what actually DID happen today.
You might all be impressed with me, as I mentioned on a thread yesterday, that my kids start their new school year today and that I'm on my own at the mo - hubby working away during the week. Anyway - school starts here at 7.30am - my obvious concern was that there would be no way that I could get my kids to school on time. More likely to be around midday!!!!
Anyway - as it turned out.... had a great sleep last night. Oscar only woke twice and when he does, I feed him whilst lying on my side in bed and we nod off again. He finished his last feed at 5.30am and I dozed off for half an hour before getting up. Now for the impressive bit.......
By 6.21am exactly - my kids were up and dressed having brekkie and I was washed dressed and feeding Oscar before darting out at 7am. Even managed to brush teeth for a change and put mascara on! Looked a million dollars
I think Oscar is over the worst of his constant feeding or maybe he's just gotten fed up with it as well. Having said that - it is very hot here and babies do tend to suckle more to prevent dehydration. He's such a little honey and gained 200g in weight this week. The HV was impressed with him and he's even lifting his head up when lying on his tummy. Very curious all the time.
I could also have sworn that he smiled several times this morning when I chatted to him closely - on the other hand probably WIND!!!
He's sleeping now - don't know how long for. He had been going to bed quite a bit later than usual the last few evenings and must say - it works much better. I've just had a bath, managed to shave my amazonic legs and overgrown armpits! Gosh I'm being so productive today - scares the living daylights out of me as tomorrow will end up being a shocker no doubt!!!!!
Right eehhh ooohhh..... must tuck other two monkeys in bed and get some dinner (bread again with cheese again!!)
I'm hoping for another good night sleepy - amazing the difference it does to once attitude. Hoping the same for ALL of you too!
Nite nite
Emilia xx