Today could stop most of my worrying

I'm so pleased for you that it went well and now your mind's at rest you can really start enjoying it! x
YAY, great news, hopefully you can relax a little now (I know it's easier said than done) xx
Thanks Ladies, i feel like Ive had a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, im one happy, emotional bunny :) x x

We heard Baby Lynch :) :) :)
The MW checked my belly and said everything was ok and that everything was a good size then she was saying it might take a while to find baby at this stage but she found it straight away, 154bpm woohoo :) I am so relieved, ive done it ladies, ive got past 12w3ds :) x x
Fantastic news M2A. Know how you feel and it's brilliant knowing that it is all going to be ok after everything isn't it. Bet you still have a huge grin!:dance:
Thank you so much ladies, im over the moon and feel now I can start to enjoy bring a pregnant lady :)

Yep you right beanster, the huge grin is here plus the urge to go internet shopping but im keeping my fingers busy with my knitting and pf while OH is watching the footy :D x x

Woohoo, to go with the great news yesterday ive just received my results from my NT scan and im low risk :) x x

Thats such good news, I'm so glad this had put your mind at rest xxx

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